Part 4

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Kendall had the beds assembled and he had the bed rail up on the beds, so the girls did not fall out of bed, and he heard the older three wakes up from their slumber

"Hey girl's you girls must have been sleepy" he says as he was seeing the girls rub the sleep from their eyes

Kendall was going to see about the other two babies and if they were up and they were, so he was going to change their diapers and keep them warm

"There we go all clean my two beauties, and I imagine you two are hungry come on I'll warm you two up a bottle" Kendall says as he takes the two babies to the kitchen for two bottles

Kendall sees Logan was taking care of the older three and he was which was a good thing right now cause he heard laughing as he entered the kitchen

"Look who is awake" Logan says as he hands Kendall one of the bottles that was warmed up already and he was going to feed the other baby since the other was already fed before Kendall came out with the other two

"Hey sweetheart did you sleep well I bet you did" Kendall says as he looks at the baby Logan had in his arms right now

"Try to guess who I got" Logan tells him

"Misty?" Kendall asks him

"You are right" Logan says as he shows Kendall the baby he had in his arms

"I got to love these girls cause they are too cute" Kendall says as he was looking at the baby that Logan had

"I know Kenny I love these girls as well as they are my own" Logan tells him

Soon the other two woke up and they wanted attention so Kendall and Logan were going to put the three babies on one of the blankets so they could play as they checked on the other three and they were playing in their room right now and Kendall and Logan were going to bring them out so they can get to know the girls

"Hey girls want to sit on the other couch, and we can get to know each other, and you girls can tell us what really happened at Disneyland" Kendall says to them

The three had looked at each other to see who was going to speak first about what had happened to them and what their likes were and what their dislikes were as well

"Take your time girls don't speak at once" Kendall says as he was going to put one of the babies down in case one of the girls wanted to climb into Kendall's and Logan's lap as well

Arbor was going to speak first since she was the oldest of the three of them

"Well, our old mom decided to take us to Disneyland for a day of fun. She parked the car and got all of us out and we headed in together as a family of course. We all stood together so we did not get lost at all, and before we knew it our old mom abandoned us like how the babies were abandoned unless the babies are our baby sisters that our mom had with someone else" Arbor says to Kendall and Logan

"We can see if the six of you are sisters" Logan says as he was going to see if a blood test could be done to see if they were sisters or if they weren't sisters cause he wanted to see for himself as well if they were biologically sisters from the same mother or if they were different

The girls really wanted to see if they were sisters biologically or not and if they weren't biologically sisters, they were going to be sisters no matter what as well

"After today the six of you are going to be sisters, I'm going to say Disney sisters right now cause we found you girls at Disney, so Disney sisters sounds better" Kendall says as they were still talking as well

"Yeah, then in time you six will be adopted sisters cause the adoption will be final for all of you and you girls will be our girls and we will love on all six of you to the end of time right now" Logan says as he heard one of the babies wake up from their slumber as well

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