•Chapter 17:"Hello?"•

Start from the beginning

So I made my way to Bill's house, and saw the garage so open wide from last time with no one in it. I spotted my bag on the side of one of the crates where I last put it.

Should I just..sneak? I can literally grab it right there.. uhh, it's not stealing...right? Of course it isn't it's yours dumb ass. But...can I get in trouble for this? Ahh screw i'm going in.

I sneakily made my way to the open garage and grab my bagpack and look my back to see no one saw me.

Ok, now I just have to get ou-

"Y/N?" A voice from behind which I can tell is Bill's.

Agh! There goes my ninja stealth mode.

"Uh hey?" I said very awkwardly. From yoy know, last time I have a meltdown.

"Wh-What are you d-doing here?" He said.

"Just grabbing my bag, don't worry I will just get out of here." I said as I walk pass him.

Then suddenly he grabbed my wrist, and he face infront of me.

The f*ck? Deja vu is killing me. Just like last time where I go to his house to grab my bag and -

"Y/N, I-I just want-wanted to say....i'm...i'm so-sorry for y-you know, k-kissing you, fr-from last year and to be honest, I have a crush on you a-at that time ." He said as he just look down of embarrassment.

"It's ok, I got over it don't worry." I said smiling to him.

"Th-The stuff you said about G-Geo-Georgie. Is it true?" He asked.

I just nodded.

"The day I was going to your house, I was supposed to save Georgie, but then when I got there. I just found him.....d-being dragged down in the sewers, his blood seeping right through it." I said as I remembered that scene from the back of my head as a tear fell to me. I wiped it away.

Bill just stand there listening.

"I can't believe i'm saying this but he-.......he- he's dead. Bill, Georgie is dead." I said tears keep falling down my cheek.

"I know." He said as I look uo at him smiling.


"I know, he i-is. All th-this past mo-months I slowly began to l-lose hope. I j-just accept the fa-fact that you know." He said as he smiled at me. I smiled back.

Then he hugged me, in a friendly way. As our closure of us have gone to an end.

We let go.

"So I'll see you around?" I said.

"Sure." He said as I went to grab my bike and wave to him one last time before I go to my house.

Then I went inside my house that I've never been in since first thing in the morning.


I change into my clothes and went to bed, thinking how one heck of the day has happened today.

From the parade to a well house? Wow.

Then I just contemplate, the Losers have a fight, and all of those is because of IT.


What am I going to do now? What am I even doing here? Oh yeah, stop IT and then what?

Am I even going back to the world that I lived in?

My eyes almost drifted into sleep when..


The phone from downstairs rang, my sleepiness becoming awake again.

I slowly make my way to the phone and answer it.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Oh! Hey Y/N..um it's Bev. Again." Bev said.

"Oh! Bev..uh what's up?" I said, I can feel the tension between the phone as a silence came.

"Um, I just want to ask if we're good? Like ok?" She asked.

"Of course we're good." I said happily.

"Oh, uh ok. Just making sure. Ok bye." She said.

"No problem bye Bev." I said as she hanged up the phone.

I was about to go upstairs and drift into my sleep.



I pick up the phone again.


"Y/N! It's Stan, so..you remember my Bar Mitzavah? I was wondering if are you coming." He said.

Oh shoot, I forgot I cancel the birdwatching this week, I don't want to say no, he may think i'm a total loser.

"Sure, what day is it?" I asked.

"Actually it's three days away." He said.

"Ok, what time?"

"Um....7:30? Start of the ceremony is 8." He said.

"Ok. I will." I said as I hang up and went rushing to my bed and there I went off to a drift sleep."





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