CHAPTER 7: Magic is a bitch

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I woke up in a nice warm bed. I thought I was in my bed. I sat up and look around and I knew I was in a boy's room, but who's. I turn to my right and of course there was someone in the bed. I look under the blanket and I was wearing a hospital gown-thank god-. I look to see who the boy was. It was Jacob and he had big red/purple puffy eyes. "how did I get here," I question myself. I got up and writ a note to Jacob, change into some of his cloths, then kiss his chick then left. I got home and walk up to my sister's room. "hey Misty you up," I whispered. "sky is that you,"she said. "yes and how did I get out of the hospital," I ask. I fell to the floor and Misty came running to my side. " Ow, okay that hurts," I said. "Sky are you really here,"Misty ask. "of course I am, what you think I'm dead," I laughed a bit. "no it's just the doctor said you had a hole in your stomach as that's why you were dead," Misty explain. "can you take me to my bed and get mom and dad please," I ask quietly. "of course," she said putting me on my bed and went to get mom and dad.

"You've sure that's really her,"mom smiled a bit. "yes mom it is," Misty said. "alright come on lets go in"dad smiled. They all walk in slowly and called Skylar's name. "Skylar honey you awake,"dad ask. "yeah, but my stomach still hurts," I said. "honey how did you come back from the dead," mom ask. "I didn't, I was never dead,"i said confused. "but, how, wait, you never died,"dad said. "yes and can you give me some medicine please," I yelped in pain.

Mom check Skylar, while dad got medicine, and Misty called Jacob and told him everything.

About 5 minutes later Jacob was here. "is she really alive," Jacob said trying to get past Misty. "Hey let her rest, anyways my mom is in there trying to figure out what's wrong with. Her,"Misty tried to calm him down. "I think I know who did this to her though,"Jacob said. "Brianna did it,"Misty sat down on the couch. "how did you know," Jacob ask. "because she told me in limbo,"she told Jacob.

"Ok I found the problem,"mom said. "what is it," I ask. "ok another witch is doing a spell for the prophecy and as long as se keeps doing it the hole is gonna be were she can complete te whole prophecy,"mom explain. "so we need her to stop saying the words,"Skylar said. "yes, so I'm gonna have Jacob and his pack go and stop her,"mom said. Skylar smiled.

Jacob and his pack kept running and running till finally found Brianna. Jacob explain the game plan.

Ashley and Alexandra went up in front, while Tyler and Austin went around back. But non of that work. Brianna whoose them away and tied them up with vines. "shit, ok turn in wolf now and knock her out or at lest try," Jacob said. They all said "break". After that they all charge to Brianna, and only one of them knock her out-Jordan-. They pick up the girl and carried her back to skylar's house.

"Mom the pain stop," I said. "ok, it did,"mom said taking her hand off of Skylars stomach. "where's Jacob," I ask. "he's downstairs, I'll got tell him you're wanted him,"mom said leaving the room.

A few minutes later Jacob walk into the room. "hey sky, I hear you want me,"he smiled. "yes I do, come here," I said, more demanding. Jacob sat down,"take my hands,"I said and Jacob took my hands.

Skylar's eyes turn white then to bright blue. Then both of them was gone.

"Skylar where are we,"Jacob ask. "it's not Skylar, I'm Brianna,"she looked up. "but how you're back at the house asleep," he snear. "I'm a witch, so I switch bodies with skylar, so now she's some where around here,"she smiled in grace. "Where's here,"he ask growling, knowing that if he makes a move he won't get very far. "limbo,"she started to walk off to the other direction. Jacob tried to sniff skylar out, then used the super vision and finally found her. He Started dash toward Skylar. "why can't people just leave the chick alone," Brianna said starting to say the border wall spell. But just in time Jacob made it through and to skylar. "oh sky it's so good to see you again,"Jacob said breaking the chains off if skylar. "Jacob listen, we can't get back while she still has my body,"I said shutting Jacob up. "the how d we get it back,"he ask. "1:by doing a tracking spell. 2:break the bond. 3:kill her,"I said. "lets go with breaking the bond,"he said. "ok, but I have to break something first,"i sad breaking Jacob's hand. "hey what was that for,"he said snapping my wrist. "to get you to break a bone, because I knew you wouldn't do it unless you had to,"I smiled. "that's not true,"he argued. "It is cause if I ask you to break my leg you would've refuse because you care about me to much," I said shutting him up again.

"Ok what now,"he ask. "just be quite and let me focus I said closing my eyes.

Her eyes open and they went from brown, to white, to bright purple. They were almost gone. But Brianna appeared and try to stop them from leaving.

Finally she gave up and at the right moment before they left. Brianna gave skylar and Jacob a little something before they left. Jacob got the most deadly poison shot in his stomach, and they were gone out of limbo.

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