chapter 1

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I heard people say that you can only conquer the world when you are free.But what being free is like.Is it happiness or an another supreme feeling?Do you need to have wings to be free?I don't really know .The only thing I know is that it is really hard to be free.It is almost impossible.The possibilities of being free are the same with the possibilities of the river not meeting with the sea.This combination of the sea and river always go together but in order  to be free I think that you need that combination.Not because it will combine you.No,not because of that.Just because of this perfect combination you can find the power to jump and survive the biggest waterfall in the world...and that is Life.
3O years ago.
I was on my way home after eight hours of work.Suddenly I saw a grocery shop.I hesitated at first but then I remember the sounds of hunger that came from my stomach all day.I made a fast decision and went inside the grocery shop. It was a usual cold day in Tver,a small town of Russia.The chill and the flakes of snow blurred my vision.Before I knew it I was already in the grocery shop.I bought three apples hoping that they could feed my hunger.I even thought of giving the 2 remaining to my parents since they really love them.I paid for the apples with the few money I had on it and headed home.The way to my home was really scary.Something  was strange about today.I had a weird feeling that something was about to happen but I didn't allowed it to overtake me.Few minutes later I arrived home only to see my parents into a big fight.
"Shut up.I make the freaking rules in this house.You heard me you slut.You are under my control since the day you accepted to marry me.We need this money Maria,no one can saves us.Imagine a life just the two of us without that little bastard in our house and a million dollars."I heard my aggressive dad saying.
"Stop talking like that about our  daughter."My mom fought back breaking in tears.
"She is not our daughter.She is just a hopeless kid and you were so naive to raise her as our own.That slut will never be my daughter."My so called dad said slapping my mother.
"But please Ron...."My mom didn't had the chance to continue as I entered their room.
No feelings overpassed me.Not shock or sadness.Not even fear.Just numbness and for the first time of my life I got answers.Answers of the way I was treated since I was born,the beatings and hate from the person I claimed as my father.The person I loved and was waiting to get love but never got the chance.Suddenly I felt warn tears filling my eyes.But no single one of them were dropping.The next words of the monster next to me made my tears finally find a realise and exploding to my cheeks.
"Get ready you little slut.Today some men are coming to take you.You will never seen us again.You don't know our names.Alright?"
That were the last words I heard from him and the silent cries of my mother.
But at that point of my life nothing could explain what I was feeling inside me.My thoughts were broken by the sound of the door opening and three men dressed in black got inside the house.They gave a piece of paper to the monster that raised me and came towards me.I didn't look at them .I couldn't.
"Irina stand up and go with them"the monster demanded.
I turned my head towards him and for the last time in my life I saw his heartless eyes with no love in them,just greed and darkness.However it got up and headed  through the doors waiting for the three men to take me with them.
"Finish him" I heard a man of the three saying and before I know it I saw the man I called my father lifeless on the floor and the screams of my mom were filling the room.
Me I felt nothing.I couldn't say nothing.I just prepared my self for th worst.They put me into a black mercedes and a tall man got in the back seat with me.Saying that he was scary was an understatement.His black fiercefull eyes left holes into you.He was handsome.Not the usual handsome but in his own way handsome.The black ink of his tattoos were covering his hands and fingers depicting the darkness of his life just in a part of his body.I still couldn't look though to his face.So I just looked through the window.
"Tell us your name"I heard one of the men saying
I hesitated and no words where coming out of my mouth.The fear was visible in my eyes.
"When I ask  you a question you answer to me.Understood."He screamed at me pointing a gun making my heart beating faster.
"Irina.My name is Irina"I said bursting into tears.
"No way she can make it man.Once she meets Ruslan I am sure she will kill herself.Though he got a nice piece I can tell."the man who was driving the car and was silent all the time finally spoke."
Two hours later we arrived at an airport.I was really curious of what we were doing here but I couldn't ask I didn't dare also.
"Move"I heard the handsome one saying.
I followed them like a lost puppy never in my life I had travelled with a plane and I didn't want my first time to be like that.
We waited like half an hour for the plane to arrive.I felt two men grabbing my hands and leading me inside the plane.
I didn't know were I was going or were life was taking me.
I stood for twelve hour flight still.I couldn't sleep or close my eyes.At this final stage I didn't know if it was worth leaving at all.
"Come get up we arrived I heard the handsome one saying.
"Where are we ?"I dared to ask
"Florida"he simply answered
I didn't know where Florida was but I knew that it was far away from home

After an one hour drive.The car finally stopped.Handsome was forcing me out of the car.As I got out I saw a huge mansion in front of me.

"Let's go" I heard a man say.
The door opened by a maid.I was taking aback when I got inside of the mansion  never in my life had I seen a castle like this.

"Were have you  been all  this time "A hard voice shouted from the stairs.Ruslan is going crazy he already shooted Andrei's hand.

"Calm Peter the plane was just late"the of the man answered.
"Whatever.Just give me this doll.She needs to get ready."he said approaching me and studying my face
"Damn the best ones only go to Ruslan"he scoffed.
I didn't know what was awaiting me I just followed him upstairs feared of my own life.
He took me into a room.
"You will get ready here in two hours you need to be ready"he said leaving there all alone
Suddenly I heard the door open and a quite attractive blonde got in.
"Hi,I am Elena.I am here to prepare you for your wedding"she said smiling
I couldn't believe in what I just heard.It was impossible for me to registered the words into my head.I didn't had the chance to react and I was drives to the shower.
One hour later of showering and shaving Elena  was doing my hair and make up.When she finished she took me into an another room.
It was a white ball room with a huge wedding  dress inside in it. I was in awe of the dress but then I remembered why I was here and suddenly I hated this dressed.I wanted so much to cry but I was told not to by Elena.She handed me a pair of sparkling shoes and told me to go wear the dress.
Five minutes later I got out of the dressing room and I saw Elena clapping her hands.I could tell she was in tears but I didn't know why.
I looked at my self through the mirror.That was really not me.I was different.But I didn't complain since 15 hours before I lost all the life I had inside of me.
"Here take this and read it when the time comes"she said to me handing me a paper"
I couldn't procede what she had just told me when Peter came inside the room taking my hand and telling me it's time to go.
I was walking with him all through the mansion only to get outside in a massive garden.The garden was decorated with white roses and hundreds of people where attending the venue.That venue was my wedding.
"Come"Peter guided me through the altar.
I heard music playing in the background but I really couldn't concentrate.
Step by step I was coming closer and closer with my fate and that fate was Ruslan Velkov.The boss of the Russian Mafia.
Peter handed me to him.He took my hands having a serious tone in his face
I didn't dare to see him in his  eyes and thanks god the veil  pretended me from it.
The priest started the ceremony but I really couldn't hear what he was saying.
After some time it was time to say our vows.
He said his first faking a voice of happiness in him.
Then it was my turn.I remembered the letter Elena gave me and I opened it to see my vows into there.

Ruslan, I take you to be my lawfully wedded husband. Before these witnesses, I vow to love you and care for you as long as we both shall live. I take you with all of your faults and your strengths as I offer myself to you with all of my faults and strengths. I will help you when you need help, and I will turn to you when I need help. I choose you as the person with whom I will spend my life."

Then the priest said.
"Do you Irina Lyon take Ruslan Velkov as your husband?"
Yes I do.

They say that the day when  you say  those words is a day you will never forget.
And it it true because that day I was married to a nightmare.
And I will never forget that.
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