Thirty Two

285 15 20

120. A boy was at the carnival when he stopped at a booth. The owner of the booth said to the boy: "If I write your exact weight on this piece of paper then you have to give me $50. If I can't, I'll pay you $50." The boy saw that there was no scale around so he agreed. He figured there was no was no way the carnival man would guess.

The boy ended up paying the $50. How did the carnival worker win the bet?

121. Complete the following 5 letter words. The missing letters in order spell out a living creature.

_ _ute C_ _el St_ _g Car_ _

122. What always comes but never arrives?


120. The carnival man wrote "Your exact weight" on the paper, just like he said.

121. The words are FLute CAMel StINg CarGO. The letters spell FLAMINGO.

122. Tomorrow.

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