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65. Beyonce and Jay Z were dying!

They were lying on the floor, surrounded by broken glass, gasping and struggling for that precious breath.

There was no hope. They were almost done for.

Then salvation came along!

Someone came to their rescue and saved their lives.

And all it took was a glass of water. What happened to Beyonce and Jay Z that almost had them meeting their maker?

66. Thirty white horses

On a red hill.

Now they chomp.

Now they munch.

Now they stand still.

67. In marble walls white as silk.

Lined with skin, soft as milk.

Within a fountain crystal clear

A golden apple does appear.

No doors there are to this stronghold.

Yet many thieves break in,

And steal the gold.

68. I am a father's child

I am a mother's child

But I am no one's son.


65. Beyonce and Jay Z were goldfish. Their bowl fell, which explains the broken glass.

66. Teeth

67. An egg.

68. A daughter.

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