Chapter 10

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Azaria didn't know what to do. It was Death. Death had made her like this. It turns out Crowley's comment about getting her outfit from Death was actually true.

"Why did you do this to me?" Azaria meant for her voice to sound confident but it came out small and questioning. Almost disbelieving.

"Well you wanted to not be dead." Death talked slow. He dragged out every word and syllable.

What the hell does that even mean? I was dead. How did he know what I wanted? Azaria thought to herself and squinted a bit.

It seemed like Death knew what she was thinking. Or maybe he could read minds. Because he answered that exact question without her saying anything out loud.

"I knew what you wanted because when you died I personally escorted you. And you told me that you didn't want to die. You said you didn't want to leave those hunters and that angel. No one who dies and comes back remembers being escorted from death."

Azaria's mouth hung open a little. She just stared at Death for a second before finding her voice again. "So your solution was to make me half angel, half demon?! That's a really lousy solution you know."

"I did it for a reason. I couldn't bring you back as a full angel. And I wouldn't bring you back as a human. You would have hated me for that. So I improvised. Half demon, half angel. And I needed an assistant."

"An assistant? What kind of assistant?"

"You aren't just any half angel and demon. You're mine. I'm your boss. You are now an Angel of Death. Your parentage gives you a great advantage."

"Angel of Death? Parentage? I don't know anything about my parents. I thought I didn't really have any. Gabriel and Balthazar raised me but they aren't my parents."

Death just smiled. "It's up to you to figure out your parentage."

"Ok. One more question. Well maybe two. First, what's with the outfit? Why the punk look?"

Death looked bored answering all these questions. "Well if you're going to be an Angel of Death, you have to look the part."

"Now two, what really is an Angel of Death?"

"You can do what I do. Next time you go outside, touch a plant. See what it does. And that tattoo on your back is there for more than just looks. Try it out sometime. See what you can do. Now if you'll excuse me, I have souls to reap." And with that, Death was gone. Just like that.

Azaria was left with many questions and curiosity. She wanted to try out this stuff Death mentioned. But she didn't know what it was and if it was dangerous. Her curiosity got the best of her. She turned to Crowley, spit in his face, and went outside.

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