"Where are we?" I ask him, because all I can see is legit nothing. We're in the middle of nowhere in what looks like a parking lot. Surrounded by trees and dust.

"That's for me to know and you to find out. Let's go." With these words he opens his door and starts walking towards the woods. "You coming princess?" He asks over his shoulder and I hurry to catch up with him. As soon as I'm next to him he grabs my hand and intertwines it with his. A blissfully feeling overcoming me, a feeling I'll never get old of.

"Hey is this our first date?" I blurt out instantly regretting my words. Well I mean I don't even know what we are, we're not really dating. We only kissed once and declared our love for each other but still we're not dating right? Zane stops in his tracks to face me.

"That's not out first date. We've been out before." He thinks but you can totally read his face right now as he's coming to the realization that we truly never went on a date before. "Fuck. You're right. What the hell. I never thought about that." I can't help myself but start laughing as I see him so confused almost sad. He looks like a three years old who's candy was just taken away.

"Hey it's okay. Don't worry about it. I was..." But I can't believe even finish my sentence taken back by the beauty in front of me. What is in front of me right now? A naked 50 years old chubby guy.

Just kidding (no hate though right). Zane led me through the woods until we ended up at a big cliff. On the other side are more trees and a gigantic sunflower field. My favorite flowers, all in all it's a stunning view.

"Wow." My voice almost gone. Shook by the beauty in front of me. Suddenly all in can see is Zane running up straight to the cliff. Wait what the fuck? He can't be serious right now. Telling me he loves me and then killing himself?

"Zane." Is all I yell before he's already gone. I instantly run to the front of the cliff and whenever I look down I see his dead body...

Just kidding, again lol sorry. I know I suck.

Anyway one look down there shows me a very happily swimming Zane, more like one that's about to choke from all the laughing he's attempting.

"You Jerk." I yell at him.

"Come on, come down here. Its awesome." He yells back.

"Like hell I will."

"What is the Maya Grace White scared?"

"More like not ready to die yet?"

"Just jump babe. Come on I'll catch you."

Okay what's the worst that could happen?

You die.

Well nothing you never wanted anyway right?

But I don't wanna die as a virgin bitch.

Stop being so dramatic Zane survived the jump as well.

Duh but he's not a clumsy idiot like me.

Weeeeeeell actually.

"Are you coming now or what?" Zane's voice disrupts my little, totally normal conversation with myself.

"Fine." I strip down to my underwear (at least I'm wearing my favorite matching blue, lacy ones; yeah what a coincidence) and next thing I know is water everywhere. I push myself up and gasp.

"Told you it was awesome." Zane's voice is right by my ear. With one quick move he turned me around so I'm now facing him and looking right into these dangerously green eyes.

"It's beautiful." I gasp while he just pulls me closer and closer to him until we're chest to chest and his arms are around my waist holding me tight.

"It sure is." He responds but his eyes never leave mine. With another quick move he wraps my legs around his waist and my hands instantly wrap around his neck. "But not as beautiful as you are."

"Ever when so cheesy?" I smirk.

"Ever since you stole my heart?"

"You are terrible Mr. Black." I roll my eyes playfully at him but he just grins at me.

"Quit pretending you don't love it. I know you do."

"Maybe." I look him right in the eyes and then his lips are finally back on mine. Gently and soft, caressing.

"You sure?" He asks me against my lips.

"Mhm." He knows absolutely what he is doing and how much control he has over me and I hate it. No actually I don't, but I hate it when he takes advantage of it.

"What was that?" He kisses me again. Not wanting to let him win this argument I pull him even closer to me and grab his hair tightly what makes him moan in surprise. Just as the kiss gets even more intense I push him under water with all my power. Only problem: his hands never leave my waist so he just pulls me right with him.

"And you call me terrible hm?" He asks me whenever we both get up again. I start floating around in the water on my back, looking at the sky.

"Well I know you love me."

"You're lucky I do." Those words make my entire body light up with warmth and sparks. He loves me.

"And I love it when you blush."

"Stop or I'll dunk you again." He just grins at me before he pulls me close to him again. His lips instantly find mine and not long after that I'm completely lost. His hands caress my body and it's getting more intense by each second but I'm nowhere close to stop it. And neither is he. At some point sense him getting out of the water but my feet never touch the ground, thanks to him carrying me.

"Fuck. I love you so much. Do you know that?" He whispers into my ear as he's planting soft kisses on my neck. His voice is so husky, drowning in affection and lust. His eyes are hooded but I'm more than positive that mine look just like his, way darker, driven and ready.
He put me on my back somewhere in the grass while he's towering me, his hard on distinctly noticeable.

"I love you too." Is all I can manage to choke out before his lips land on mine again.

"We should probably stop." Zane's voice is soft but caring. We're in the middle of the hottest make out session ever and he manages to stop himself?

"Why?" I crock out, frustrated and he can tell because he has a mischievous smirk on his face. What would he be without that smirk plastered on his face?

"I don't want to push you. I know you..." I take him by surprise when I make him shut up by kissing him.

"I don't care. I'm ready for this. I want this. Now shut up at swipe that god damn V-card already." He hesitates for a second but by the look on my face he is reassured and not long after I'm not able to see clear anymore and all I can do is yell out his name.

• • •

Woooooow. She's back. And I still suck damnnn.
Anyway yeah this is what just happened. Take it or leave it I don't know you guys but god bless me when my sister reads that chapter lmao. I kept it all
Lowkey tho okay well at least I tried haha.

Oh btw I met this cute guy downtown and we started talking and texting and bla but guess what. This MOTHERFUCKER IS NOW GOING TO THE ARMY????? Like okay boy just break my heart like that?

Anyway hope y'all are doing well, enjoy your lives (last week of summer break!) and do your thang.

Don't forget to vote and comment pleaseeee gracias muchoooo.
Love y'all!!!!

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