“I got surprised. I just don’t want our babies to be shock or anything like that…” she answered softly and I mentally slapped myself.

            How can I forget such a sensitive issue like that?? God, I’m so oblivious…

            “Ricky?” Megan’s voice snapped me out of my reverie and I looked down at her.

            “Yes baby?”

            “Don’t fret over it. It’s not your fault. You just forgot.” she commented and I sighed as I carried her to our bedroom, carefully placing my delicate wife on our bed.

            “Go and wash up okay…” she coaxed and I nodded my head but then stopped to look at her.

            “How do you know I was feeling guilty about shocking you like that??” I asked curiously and she shrugged her shoulders as she snuggled under our blanket.

            “I don’t know. Kinda like I heard your voice in my heard. Seems weird, don’t know whether I’m hearing it for real or not but I heard your voice mentally saying you’re dumb for being insensitive and oblivious to my pregnancy.” she replied and I screwed my face up in confusion as I went to bathe.

            During my shower, it then occurred to me why Megan was able to hear my voice in her head. I quickly put up a barrier between our minds so she won’t be able to hear my thoughts for now.

            I marked my wife…

            Once a werewolf mark his or her mate, they both can communicate through telepathy… That is why Megan heard my voice in her head…

            God… How am I supposed to carry on my married life like this??? It was so much easier before this… She knows about werewolves and that I’m not the father of her children and stuffs like that…

            I can’t possibly explain to her about her knowledge of the past. What if she doesn’t accept it or worse, relapse again due to being shocked???

            I sighed as I realised I have to be more careful with my thoughts and must put up barriers with Megan’s mind from time to time…..


Megan's P.O.V. :

            Ricky had called me over into the living room after breakfast and I saw a little girl beside him and they were looking at a photo album.

            I smiled and sat beside Ricky as I leaned forwards to look at the girl.

            "What's your name sweetie?" I asked and she gave me the most cutest smile.

            "Teacher Megan, I'm Alison, Ricky here is my big brother! You are actually my Teacher! Big brother told me about the minor accident you had but don't worry! Everyone here in the pack will be here to help you get your memory back!" she said cheerfully.

            I smiled at her words then gave my husband a look of confusion.

            "She said pack... What does she mean by that?" I blinked and I thought I saw my husband swallowed nervously before meeting my eyes.

            "I'm not sure but let's not fret over that... I wanna show you something that might help you in your memory." Ricky said as he picked up the album and placed it on my lap.

            "What's this?" I asked curiously and Alison and Ricky smiled encouragingly at me.

            "Go on Teacher Megan! It's your wedding photos with big brother!" Alison answered.

            I went to the front page of the album and looked through each photo...

            I was already pregnant when I married Ricky???

            "Yes, the moment you told me I was so happy so I proposed to you..." Ricky wrapped an arm around me.

            I smiled to myself but then gave Ricky another weird look.

            "Did I just say that sentence out loud?" I asked, really confused now.

            I could have sworn that sentence was inside my head!

            Ricky cleared his throat then looked at his watch.

            "Okay Alison, time to go school!" Ricky hastily said as he picked up his car keys and held my hand.

            "What?" I asked stupidly.

            "We're sending my sister to school. Then I'm taking you around our neighbourhood see if you can remember anything." he smiled and I nodded my head as I got up and headed towards the front door with Alison holding my other hand...

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