News just in

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"Hey honey, how was school?" Danny asked too enthusiastically, smiling a smile way too wide.
"Same old... everything okay dad? You seem a bit tense," Stephanie replied, head tilted to one side judgmentally.
"Okay you caught me. They've asked me to cover a huge Wake Up San Francisco on Friday on the Eagles. Obviously I know how football works, but I'm really bad at commentating, and to be completely honest, the thought of me interviewing those big guys kinda scare me!" Words fell out of Danny's mouth rapidly like floodgates as if he'd been waiting the whole day to tell someone this. He stopped to catch his breath.
Stephanie and Michelle shared a look and giggled.
"What? What's so funny? Girls?" Danny asked.
"Nothing," they said in unison, both getting up to leave the dining table.
Stephanie hopped up onto her bed and opened her backpack. Her teacher assigned her a heavy workload today, so she decided to start as soon as she could, and hopefully get it done by dinner. She pulled out her heavy algebra textbook and set it on her bed, adjusting her bedside lamp when Michelle hobbled into Stephanie's room.
"How's your leg Michelle? Is everything okay?"
"It's gotten better. Anyway, there's a phone call for you. Mickey i think she said she was?"
Intrigued, Stephanie took two steps at a time down the stairs and into the kitchen. She had met Mickey from chemistry class, but she hadn't called her before.


Hey, it's Mickey!

Hey, what's up?

Okay, so there's some really big news that's just gotten out. Promise you won't freak out.

Okay... now you're just making me worry.

So basically, Stacey Ledbetter stayed afterschool for some kind of fashion club.


And as Stacey was about to head to the club's meeting room, she saw Gia and Ben, behind a pillar.

But, nothing happened right?

Well, okay. Stace said that Gia and Ben were making out. Obviously she could be lying though. I mean, it's Stacey. Point is, you have nothing to worry- Stef? Stef?

Stephanie hung up. She stood frozen in her tracks, speechless. She didn't even know what to think, what to say. Her mind was now filled to the brim with images of Gia and Ben kissing each other, Ben touching Gia instead of Stephanie.
"You Okay Stef? Stef?" Danny came in.
Danny quickly stepped outside into the living room to call in Rebecca and D.J.
They came in and saw Stephanie's face, and instantly knew what happened. Stephanie was pulled into a gentle hug, and she rested her head on Rebecca's shoulder, crying. Little did she know, tears were also pouring out from Rebecca's swollen red eyes. She knew exactly how Stephanie felt.
  "Hey has anyone seen rebec-," Jesse sauntered into the dining room and caught sight of Stephanie and everyone surrounding her. He looked around in confusion.
  "Ben cheated on her, probably made out with Gia," D.J. whispered to Jesse.
  "Oh... I'm so sorry Stef."
  Them he saw Rebecca's face. The ruined mascara, red cheeks and puffy eyes. Jesse went over to Rebecca instantly and placed two hands on her waist soothingly.
  "I'm sorry," Jesse whispered into her ear.
  He nuzzled his nose on Rebecca's collarbone, gently kissing her, as if to say I'm sorry, I understand what you just be feeling now, and I'm sorry for lashing out, please forgive me.

Forever//jesse and Becky romance fanfic❤️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz