Girl talk

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Stephanie slammed the door behind her as she made her way to the kitchen. Grabbing herself a piece of toast, she plopped down onto the bar counter.

"How was school honey?" Danny asked.

"Not. Good." She slapped a handful of chocolate spread onto her toast and spread it carelessly.

"Gia and her friends are just really getting on my nerves. I mean, just yesterday, they absolutely loved me. Then today, I guess gia somehow decided that I was boring and not worth her time. So gia being gia, she spread some awful rumours about Ben and I," she huffed.

"Ben? Who's that? Your new history project classmate? Is he smart? You know you've really got to finish the project sooner or later, I mean your deadline is what- just barely a week after? You know what? I'm gonna call his parents and see if we can schedule you two to meet up at his place to work on the projects. Oh no, I've never met this guy. I can't trust him and you being alone together in his house. Let's move it to our house. Right here in the kitchen. And Michelle-," he pulled Michelle's arm towards him, "will make sure you two are working. Alright, that's great. Wait... I don't have his mother's phone number. Steph, do you by any chance have-,"

"DAD! Stop! Ben's not working on the history project with me. He's my boyfriend. I would've told you this sooner or later dad, but right now, I don't want you to be all freaked out okay."

"Um... okay that's a conversation you and I are going to have later on. But yes, please do continue on the whole Gia thing you were on about just now."

"Fine. Anyway, Gia told everyone in school that Ben was in love with the "wrong sister", well apparently he was in love with DJ. And she told everyone that Ben was just dating me to make DJ jealous."

"Oh my gosh... honey that's terrible. But you know this isn't true is it?"

"Honestly, dad, i don't know for sure."

"You know what? I'm calling in your aunt Becky. She's good at dealing with this stuff and I'm not. We should also probably get DJ in too."


Aunt Becky walks into the kitchen, one hand carrying nicky, the other Alex. DJ saunters in, taking her headphones out. "Yeah?"

"So! Your dad said that Steph wanted us to talk? Woman to woman?" Aunt Becky says.

"Yeah... so basically. Today in school, Gia told this horrible rumour..." stephanie explained to them the whole rumour, head aimed down low the whole time so that they wouldn't see tears were actually streaming down her face.

"Steph. I know that's not true. And even if it were, I absolutely would not have anything to do with Ben. I wouldn't do it to my own sister." DJ hugged Steph. "Thanks," steph sniffed.

"Plus, he looks genuinely happy when he's with you. You have nothing to worry about." DJ placed a hand on Stephanie's shoulder and reassured her.

"Now, in terms of dealing with this," aunt Becky said, "firstly, talk to Ben. See if this whole thing is fake or not. Chances are, it is. Then, go to Gia and her friends, and tell her that you know what she said is not true. Now you don't have to try too hard to get them on your side, because what they're attempting to do is to spike a reaction out of you. So even if they think of some snarky, ugly comment about what you said, just leave them. But, never show that you're defeated, or sad. Because that is eventually their goal. And we don't want to let Gia and her friends win, do we?"

"I guess you're right. Thanks aunt Becky. Thanks dj." And the three of them shared a big big hug, just when Danny walked in.

"Aww! Look at you girls. This house really is filled with hugs. Aww bring it in!" Said Danny, forcing himself into the hug. The three girls shared a look amongst themselves and laughed.

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