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Ben's POV

  I trudged up the steps of Stephanie's front porch to reach her door. I used to just be able to open the door, and run into Stephanie's wide arms, swoop her up and kiss her cheek. Now, I stood outside of the door, heart pounding in my chest, blood rushing in my ears. With three deep breaths I winced and pressed the doorbell.
  No response, nothing.
  Okay Ben, don't panic. Just wait for 5 minutes then try again.
  I waited, pacing around outside the door, checking my watch. I rung the doorbell again. The door was finally opened.
  "Oh hey Ben. I'm not sure if this is a good time," D.J. said.
  "Please, just let me talk to Stephanie," I pleaded.
  D.J. flung her head back to want Stephanie, and opened the door an inch wider. "Okay come in."
  When I walked into the living room I saw Stephanie on the couch, a wet tissue in her hand, surrounded by basically her whole extended family. As soon as she saw me, she stood up almost immediately, and all her tears seemed to evaporate into hot, angry vapour.
  "Stef," I began, "i can explain. Please don't believe it."
  Her hands started playing with her beaded bracelet, a thing she always did when she felt uncomfortable. She stayed silent, but the waves of anger never faltered.
  "It honestly isn't what it seems. Gia was the one who kissed me. She basically forced herself onto me and I pushed her away as soon as it did. I guess Stacey saw it just when Gia pulled me in. I'm so sorry Stef."
Stephanie took a step closer to me, D.J. put a supportive hand on her back. "How do I know you're telling the truth? How do I know you're not into Gia? That you didn't like the kiss," her voice slightly faded away at the last sentence.
  "Because, Stef, I'm here. I'm here, not at Gia's. And that kiss, there was nothing. Absolutely nothing I can promise. It felt so wrong. It was the wrong girl. The right one for me, is standing right in front of me. Stef, it's you. I don't wanna date anyone who's not you. I love you," I said, regretting the last three words already, wincing in dread.
  To my surprise and ginormous relief, Stephanie smiled. "I love you too you dummy," and she wrapped her arms around my neck and we had a long hug.
  "I've missed you," I whispered into her hair.
  "I've missed you too Ben," she replied.
  Out of nowhere, who I assumed was Stephanie's dad, stood up and came in to join the hug. "Awwwwwww!" He said.
  "Dad!" Stephanie retorted.
  "Okay, Okay. Sorry honey, you two go crazy!"

Forever//jesse and Becky romance fanfic❤️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt