Fancy a fancy dinner, milady?

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  Jesse was sitting on the couch with a laptop as Rebecca walked towards him. Jesse pulled Rebecca gently onto his lap. Rebecca wrapped her arms around Jesse's neck and they shared a long, hearty kiss. Jesse's hands playfully tousled Rebecca's hair and Rebecca chuckled under her breath.
  "Oh you guys cut it out!" Joey said. "No seriously like get a room."
  Rebecca slid off Jesse's lap and onto the space next to him on the couch. She peered over at what Jesse was looking at.
  "Soooo, I just booked us a reservation at your favourite restaurant for a fancy dinner tonight," Jesse exclaimed.
  "Ooh! The one by the sea?"
  "And the table in the far right corner?"
  "Just the way you like it!"
  "Aww honey!! What's the occasion?"
  "No... I just feel bad about how Nicole is not exactly being the best person to you, and i figured I would do something romantic because it's been a while!"
  Rebecca smiled. Her eyes sparkled.
  "Well that's really sweet of you jess." She reached forward and pulled Jesse into another kiss.
"Have mercy" he silently mouthed.
"Woah woah woah, turn it down a notch guys. It's getting real hot in here!"
  Jesse and Becky spun their heads around instantly as they recognised her voice.
  "Nicole!" Jesse greeted her with a playful slap on the back.
  "Nicole!..." Rebecca tried to sound enthusiastic.
  "How'd you get in?" Jesse asked.
  "Seriously. Your door never locks. You knew that right?" Nicole said.
  "Ahhhhhhh GOOD ONE NICOLE!" Jesse and nicole shared the weirdest howl of laughter ever. Rebecca scrunched her nose up at that.
  "But seriously why'd you come here?" Rebecca chimed in almost the second they started laughing. She smoothed her hair down frantically, an uneasy habit of hers.
  "Oh! Well, I think I might've found an even better version of the song the band is working on. I worked on it all day, and I hope this is what you're looking for? Here's a demo track!" Nicole handed Jesse a flash drive. Nicole's fingers seemed to linger on Jesse's longer than normal, so Rebecca instantly got up to her feet.
  "Well thank-thank you for that! Uh I'm really sure Jess will love it!" Rebecca plastered on a wide, toothy smile.
  "No problem," Nicole returned, eyeing Rebecca intently. "I worked really hard on this demo track. No hard feelings Jess, but the old one was a bit too dull for me. You know, when the old one starts to get rusty, or dull, it may be a sign that you should get a new one. Replace it, with a younger, flashier one." Nicole said, slyly.
  "A hotter one," Nicole whispered under her breath as she cheekily gave Jesse a good pinch as she headed for the door.
  Rebecca turned at Jesse half in horror, half awaiting Jesse to say something in Rebecca's  defence.
  "Thanks! I'll be sure to listen to the demo track!" Jesse smiles cheerfully and waved her off.
  "Okay you heard that too, right? I'm not the crazy one, am I?" Rebecca asked, still in a state of shock and disgust.
  "And... you have absolutely nothing to say to her... or me?"
  "What?" Jesse thought hard. What could Rebecca possibly mean?
  "Seriously, Jess?"
  "What? She just gave me a flash drive with a demo track on it? What's so bad about that?"
  "What about the whole thing about replacing the old one with a new one?" Rebecca urged.
  "Oh, did you not understand that? See here, the old one she was talking about means the old track our band did. The new one, stands for the demo track she just gave me. There!"
  Rebecca rolled her eyes in disbelief. "What about the whole 'newer, flashier, hotter' thing then?"
  "Well," Jesse explained, "she meant that the new demo track would be flashier and more exciting, and hotter, as in more popular! What's not to understand about that?"
  "Okay," Rebecca drew in a breath to calm herself. "What about that pinch Jess? I saw that pinch Jess!"
  "Oh that's just a thing friends do!" Jesse explained. Seeing the look of doubt on Rebecca's face, he added, "you honestly have nothing to worry about Beck! Look, just think about the dinner tonight, Okay?"
"Okay," Rebecca answered, and hoped with all her heart that Nicole didn't mean what she thought she meant.

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