Chapter Nineteen

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Billy Hargrove
February 1, 1985

I sat across from Steve and Nancy in Hopper's living room. Jonathan sat down from me on the couch, Hopper was spreading papers across the coffee table and Jane sat on the floor next to him.
"Why is he here?" Steve asked angrily, gesturing to me.
"Because Betty is my girlfriend, why are you here, Steve?" I asked and he started to get up but Nancy held him down.
"If you two would stop fighting we could get something done." Hopper said without lifting his eyes from the papers.
"Why are we all here Hopper?" Nancy asked Hopper.
"Betty has been taken by Dr. Brenner." He said and Jane jumped back.
"P-papa?" She asked and Hopper nodded to her slowly.
"No!" Jane yelled as she started to cry, Nancy quickly got on the floor next to her and let her cry on her shoulder.
"How did it happen?" Jonathan asked.
"She was working at the Diner, Brenner found her and took her. Knowing Brenner, he's most likely keeping her at Hawkins Lab." He said.
"This would have never happened if she had been with Hop instead of with you!" Steve yelled at me as he stood up.
"How dare you say this is my fault! How was I suppose to know that thanks to you all running around killing monsters she had a target on her head?" I yelled back as I stood up. Steve's jaw clenched.
"If you would have stayed away from her..." He started to yell as I got reach to hit him.
"HEY!" Steve and I both looked at Hopper.
"This isn't anyone's fault but mine. Now would you two stop fighting so we can get my daughter back?!?" He yelled and both of us got quiet.
"This is the layout of Hawkins Lab," Hopper said as we all crowded around the table and looked at the blueprints.
"Where is Brenner keeping her?" Jonathan asked.
"Most likely in the medical ward, considering the lower levels were destroyed by the Gate." He said as he pointed to a section of the map. Hopper had filled me in on everything that had happened in Hawkins over the past two years relating to Hawkins Lab, so I understood what we were up against.
"How are we suppose to find her? How do we even know she's in the lab?" Steve asked.
"What if Brenner expects us to go to the Lab but he has her somewhere else?" Nancy added in.
"Why doesn't Jane just find her?" I asked and they all turned to me, then to Jane.
"Can you find her?" Hopper asked as he knelt down next to her. Jane nodded and closed her eyes. We all stood around her as she sat


Jane Hopper

I walked across the black ground, occasionally stepping in a puddle of water.
"Betty!" I called through the void.
"Betty!" I called louder. I walked until I saw a figure in the distance.
"Betty!" I yelled as I ran to where the shape was. As I got closer I saw that it was in fact Betty. She was curled up in a ball, her blonde hair was ratted and her clothes looked torn. She looked up at me and I froze, how could she see me?
"Jane!" She cried as she stood up. This was impossible, only people with gifts like mine could communicate like this.
"How?" I asked as she stood in front of me, tear stains down her cheeks.
"You have to help me Jane! I can't hold on much longer!" She cried.
"I need to find you!" I said as I took her hands in mine, still unsure how it was possible. Betty turned her head and I turned to look in the same direction.  I saw Betty in a hospital robe sitting in front of a metal table, behind her stood Papa.
"He's pushing me out Jane, I can't hold on much longer. You need to find me before he pushes me out!" She cried.
"Where are you?!?" I asked franticly.
"The lab, I don't know where. Help me Jane!" She yelled and I suddenly opened my eyes. I was back at home and Betty was gone.


Billy Hargrove

"What happened?" Hopper asked Jane when she opened her eyes. Jane had a frantic look on her face, as if she had seen a ghost.
"T-The lab. Papa's got her." She said and Nancy covered her mouth.
"We've got to go," Hopper said as he started to move, but Jane quickly grabbed his hand.
"Wait! He's doing something to her. She could see me, I felt her," she said as she stood up.
"What do you mean he's doing something to her?" I asked sharply and she turned to me.
"I don't know, but we have to stop him. She said he was pushing her out, that she couldn't hold on much longer." Jane said fearfully.
"What are we waiting for?" Jonathan asked and we all got up and headed to the door. Nancy and Steve rode together as did Hopper and Jane, leaving me with Jonathan. We all sped down the long, dark roads until we reached the closed gates of Hawkins Lab. The metal gates were open and the street lights were on. We all stopped our cars in fornt of the lab entrance and waited for Hopper to tell us the plan.
"I don't see any lights on inside," Steve said and I rolled my eyes.
"I'm sure Brenner didn't bother to put down a welcome mat either," I snapped sarcastically at him.
"Enough, we split up. Jane and Billy with me, you three together." He said, gesturing to Jonathan, Nancy and Steve.
"You three take the upper floors, we will take the underground levels. If you find anything, call on this." He said as he tossed Nancy a walkie-talkie.
"We're gonna find her, Hop." Steve said as he swung his nail bat over his shoulder.

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