Chapter Three

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Betty Hopper

October 31, 1984

All I could think about was Billy.

I woke up early on Wednesday morning, but most of the extra time was spent laying in bed thinking about Billy. It's not like we really did anything, but part of me expected something to happen. When I finally got out of bed, I put on some pants then headed into the kitchen to make breakfast. Dad didn't come home until late Tuesday night, which worked out since I was a bit worked up over the afternoon's events. I opened the fridge to find a carton of eggs, half a jug of milk, half a pack of beer, assorted meats, and a few miscellaneous things. Dad made it really hard to eat healthily, his diet consisted of beer, meat, and carbs. I sighed as I pulled out the eggs and a pack of bacon. I put a pan on the stove and started to cook the bacon while I started a pot of coffee. By the time the coffee was done, the eggs had also been cooked. As I was setting the table, Dad walked into the kitchen.

"I thought I smelled coffee." He said and I smiled at him. He gave me a kiss on the top of my head before walking straight to the coffee pot. I sat down at the dining table and started to put eggs on my plate. Dad sat down shortly after.

"We've got bacon! What's the occasion?" He asked as he put several pieces on his plate.

"Nothing, I'm just excited that we are going to get to hang out together tonight," I said as he took a sip of black coffee. Dad always drank his coffee black, but I couldn't stand the taste of coffee without milk and sugar.

"About that kiddo, I may be home a little later than I thought." He said and I put down my fork.

"Dad, you said you would be home tonight. You were gone last night." I said with a disappointed tone.

"I will be home tonight, it just might be a little bit after dinner. But when I get home we will watch any horror movie you want and eat all the candy we can." He said with a reassuring smile.

"Do you promise?" I asked.

"I promise." He said and I smiled. We finished breakfast and I went back to my room to get ready for school while Dad cleaned up breakfast. When I came back out of my room Dad was dressed in his uniform and was having a second cup of coffee.

"We need groceries. Here's the list, can you pick some up before tonight?" I asked as I handed him the list and he nodded.

"I won't pick up candy that way you can pick some out," he said as he put the list in his wallet and handed me a $5 bill.

"I'll see you tonight Dad," I said as I started to head to the door.

"Hey, are you sure you don't want a ride?" Dad asked and I shook my head.

"I'm fine. Bye, Dad!" I waved as I closed the door behind me and I walked to my bike. This wasn't the first time I had rejected a ride from Dad. I ride would have been more convenient than biking 30 minutes to school every day, but I couldn't risk anyone seeing me getting out of the police chief's car. I began the long bike to school, arriving only five minutes before the first bell rang. I chained my bike outside and walked inside. As I weaved through the crowded hallways toward my first-period class I looked for any sign of Billy. Right before I reached my classroom I looked down the hall and saw him leaned against a wall of lockers. I started to walk his way when another girl slid next to him and he put his arm around her. I froze when I saw how quickly he found a new girl. While I was standing his eyes met mine, and his face went from a smug smile to straight. I quickly turned around and walked into my classroom. I sat through three periods, telling myself how stupid I was for thinking Billy had actually been into me. I didn't see Billy until fourth-period, where he sat behind me. When he walked in, I turned my head away and he walked by without even acknowledging me. I kept my eyes forward, but I desperately wanted to turn around and talk to him. Why would I ever think that he wanted anything more than to fool around? My thoughts were disrupted by someone tapping on my shoulder. I quickly turned around to see that it was Billy.

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