Chapter Fourteen

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Betty Hopper

January 19, 1985

The sun streamed through the window and hit my eyes, waking me up. I sat up and saw that I was alone in the bed. I stood up from the bed and walked out of the room, following the sound of metal music playing. I wandered into the kitchen when I saw Billy, smoking, with his back to me. I quietly walked up behind him and quickly wrapped my arms around his torso. I felt him take a sharp breath in.

"Good morning," He chuckled and he turned around so we were facing each other.

"Good morning to you too." I said before kissing him.

"What time is it?" I asked as I pulled away from him.

"9:00 AM. I have to pick up Max at 10:00," He said as he walked over to the stove.

"You hungry?" He asked, gesturing to a plate of pancakes he had made.

"You cook?" I asked and he nodded.

"Only for you," He said with a smirk. We sat down and ate breakfast. Once we finished, I helped Billy clean up the mess.

“Who’s this?” Billy and I turned around quickly to see a man standing in the kitchen doorway. Out of fear, I quickly hid behind Billy. 

“I asked you a question Billy,” the man said and I looked at Billy.

“Dad, this is Betty.” He said. The man was Billy’s abusive father…

“What is she doing here?” He asked as if I wasn’t in the room. 

“She’s here because she stayed the night with me.” Billy replied and his father gave me a stern look. 

“Go put some clothes on,” he said, staring at me. 

“Excuse me?” I asked in disbelief.

“I said, go out some clothes on.” He directed again and I was dumbfounded. I was about to snap back but Billy quickly grabbed my hand.

“Betty, please,” Billy said, I could see fear in his eyes. I took a deep breath and nodded before walking out of the kitchen.

“If you’re going to bring home a slut, you should bring one who knows how to obey,” his father said and I quickly turned around. Billy saw me and he shot me a look, advising me not to say anything. I turned back around and kept walking.

“She’s not a slut, she’s my girlfriend.” He replied and I smiled. It felt nice to be called “girlfriend” again. I walked into Max’s room where I had left my clothes from the day before.I stood in front of Max's mirror looking at the fresh bruises on my face when I heard shouting in the living room. I walked over to the cracked door to listen. 

"I couldn't just leave her with that maniac!" I heard Billy yell.

"What her father does to her is his business, not yours!" Billy’s father yelled back

"You are going to take her home right now. Do you understand?" He said as he got in Billy's face.

"No, sir," Billy said, and I watched as he raised his hand and hit Billy. 

"I said, do you understand me?" He asked again and Billy didn't move.

"No, sir," Billy said, by the second hit I couldn't take it anymore. His father raised his hand a third time I ran out of the bedroom and into the living room. 

"Stop!" I yelled as I ran in between him and Billy, causing him to retract his hand.

"Betty!" Billy exclaimed as he pulled me away from him. His father looked at me in shock, then he turned to Billy.

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