Chapter Four

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Betty Hopper

November 1st, 1984

I woke up in my bed and my head was pounding. I sat up in bed and grabbed my forehead. I looked over at my clock and it was 7:00 am. I got out of bed and walked into the kitchen. Candy wrappers were littered everywhere. I quickly started to clean up my mess from last night. I then threw on the first outfit I could find and I brushed my hair, I didn't have time for a ponytail. I finally left the house at 7:45, meaning I might be late to school. On my way to the school I peddled past the Police Station and saw Dad's car, I guess it was a good thing he didn't bother to come home. I arrived at the school at 8:20, barely enough time to make it to my locker and to my first period. As I ran through the halls, most everyone looked like zombies after the party last night, I knew I was no exception. Even Nancy looked worse for wear. Jonathan was the only person that looked like they had stayed sober.

"I'm guessing you didn't go to the party last night," I said to him as we both got our books out of our lockers.

"I did, but only to pick up Nancy." He said.

"Wasn't Steve there?" I asked and he shrugged.

"Jonathan, I know you like Nancy, but she's with Steve," I said in a low voice.

"Not anymore, at least I think. They had a fight last night at the party." He said.

"Well, just be careful. You would hate to become the enemy." I said and he nodded.

"Speaking of the enemy," He said and gestured down the hall. I turned around and saw Billy walking down the hall. His eyes met mine and he started walking my way. I noticed that he didn't acknowledge any other girls as he walked toward me.

"What's he doing?" I heard Jonathan ask, but I didn't acknowledge him. As Billy walked past me, he turned his head and winked at me, then kept walking.

"What was that?" Jonathan asked again, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Nothing," I said with a smile as I closed my locker door.

"Betty, Billy Hargrove is trouble." He said.

"Billy wasn't with anyone at the party last night was he?" I asked.

"Not that I noticed. I'm serious Betty, your Dad would kill you if he found out. Heck, Steve would kill you." He said and I ignored him.

"I'll take your advice about Billy when you take my advice about Nancy," I said and he sighed.

"I'll see you later Betty." He said and we went our separate ways.

Fourth Period came at the same time it did every day, but today it seemed to take forever to arrive. Before the bell rang I was in my seat, waiting for Billy to come and take his seat behind me. When he finally walked in, he smiled at me the whole way to his seat. He sat down, then leaned forward to talk to me.

"I like your hair down." He said quietly, and I turned around to face him.

"Thank you," I said with a smile.

"What are you doing after school?" He asked and I smirked.

"It's going to take more than a few hours of pretending not to be interested in girls to convince me," I said and he smiled.

"You look hungover, did you have fun last night?" He asked with an eyebrow raised.

"I stayed home alone last night. You surprisingly don't look worn out. I find it hard to believe you didn't drink like everyone else last night." I said.

"Oh I did," He bragged, "I just know how to handle alcohol." He winked at me and I rolled my eyes playfully before turning to face the front.

"So is that a yes to later?" He asked and I felt his hands playing with my long blonde hair.

"I'll think about it," I said as I pulled my hair to the side. The rest of the day turned into a blur, it wasn't until I was walking out of the school that I came to.

"Betty!" I heard a voice yell as I got close to the school doors. I turned around to see Steve running towards me.

"What's wrong Steve?" I asked, concerned. Once Steve got closer, I could see he had a busted lip.

"What happened to your lip?!?" I asked.

"Your boyfriend gave it to me." He said and I was confused.

"I don't know what you're talking about. What boyfriend?" I asked and he scoffed.

"Don't play stupid. I know you and Billy are hooking up." He accused.

"Steve, that's not what's happening," I said.

"Does Billy know that? Because he told me you two were dating before he busted my lip." He said and I was in disbelief.

"Billy wouldn't do that," I said and he laughed.

"Maybe you should do your homework before you screw someone!" He shouted at me.

"I'm not screwing Billy, I'm not screwing anyone!" I shouted back at him.

"Be careful Betty. If you go with Billy, you are going to get hurt." He said, quieter now.

"Thanks, but I don't think I am," I said and I turned to walk out.

"You can't change him Betty, but he will change you!" Steve called as I pushed open the door and walked out. Once outside I leaned against one of the brick walls and let out a heavy breath. I looked over and saw Billy on the hood of his car smoking and watching me. What if Steve was right? What if Billy was just playing me? As much as I wanted to get on my bike a ride away, something urged me to get in Billy's car and let my cares fly out the window. But was it worth the risk? I once again abandoned my bike as I walked to Billy's car, deciding it was worth the risk. Billy was still sitting on the hood when I approached. He motioned for me to sit, so I hopped up next to him on the hood.

"What took so long?" He asked.

"Steve stopped me," I said and Billy straightened up.

"Steve Harrington?" He asked sharply.

"Yes. He said you told him we were screwing then you busted his lip." I replied, almost as sharply as him.

"He was mouthing off to me," Billy said defensively.

"That doesn't give you an excuse to punch someone!" I said and Billy didn't say anything.

"Why did you tell him we were together?" I asked.

"I busted Steves lip because he said we weren't together, are you saying we aren't?" He asked with the cigarette in his mouth. He had a look in his eyes, a look that scared me.

"Are you threatening me?" I asked calmly.

"No, I'm just asking a question." He replied. I didn't answer for a moment. maybe Billy was the monster Steve said he was, or maybe he wasn't.

"I can't be your girlfriend if you don't take me on proper dates," I said, breaking the silence.

"Then let's go," He smiled at me and we both got off the hood and into the car. I was starting something I couldn't stop, but I didn't know if I wanted it to. Driving away with Billy would either make me the most popular girl in school or the most unpopular, but I didn't care either way. All I cared about was the freedom I felt as I stuck my hand out the passenger side window of Billy's car, running my fingers through the air.

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