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Welcome to Junior Year

Hell. That's what school is and you can not tell me otherwise. Ask any high school student a synonym for school and that's what they will say. Now I know some of you are going to object to the statement above and tell me high school is the greatest experience of my life and other crap, but let me ask you something. Have you experienced junior year of high school? If you haven't pray to the lords above that you haven't, but if you have, you know what I'm talking about and if you are currently experiencing it, I will include you in my prayer circle. The multiple AP classes, extracurricular activities, the never endless stack of homework on your desk, and not to mention those evil standardized test is not what just junior year is about. It's about figuring out what you want in life at the mere age of 16/17. Ridiculous, I know right? Oh, and then you ask when do you have time to talk to friends or meet with them? The answer is never. When you're in junior year forget about your social life because the only time you will want to talk to your friends it to know the answers to last nights' homework or how hard a test was. 

However, what makes things worse is the expectations people place on you because of your race. I mean I've had about ten people come up to me asking how to graph sine and cosine graphs, because I was Indian. I mean don't get me wrong, I'm pretty great at math, but seriously, you come to me just because I'm Indian? Let me get something straight. Sometimes I don't know things. Shocker, I know. 

But enough about that. I, Aditi Madan, am about to take you through the inner works of an teenage Indian girl's mind in junior year. So buckle up my children, because its a roller coaster that is set to go downhill. 

This entire book including (but not limited to) characters, chapters, prologues, are copyright protected. All rights are reserved and if there is any copying/stealing/plagiarizing/etc. my work those people will be punished by law.

So don't copy my mothafucking work.


Hey guys,

so its been a while... i dont have life figured out and its a bit stressful, so as a way to relieve my stress i've started this story. Now i know you guys are probably like "bro what happened to waiter boy?" "are you going to update it?" "how long will you be on wattpad for?" and honestly I dont have answers to these questions. I just hope you can enjoy this story for what it is as this is the first time I'm writing about a POC. As a person of POC i saw myself writing my characters as Caucasians and so i thought it was time to step up my game and write a character that is a bit outside my comfort zone but that is true to me. 

I hope you can enjoy this book and fall in love with the characters. 



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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2017 ⏰

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