But im Gay

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Denise over heard Devin smooth talking to Yazmine and some new girl. "But I'm gay..." She heard it . Denise's ears perked up "Oh your gay!! hey I'm Denise nice to meet you." and that's how a lovely friendship bloomed. Right off the bat a close bond had formed. Denise sensed the real Kiara spit and her energy was a drug,and not the weak stuff either. Kiara had became Denise's human diary with smart alec comments over night. All Denise talked about was work ,Devin, and the latest school drama Kiara listened intently and gave honest feedback to every situation and even a few inside jokes had been created. All in three months time Denise had made a new friend and had a new crush . The best part they lived across the road in neighboring apartments.

Friends with Benefits Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang