Chapter 8

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A.N/ Tune here~ OMG we got 100+ reads! remember, that Q&A is still up so ask! Thank you notes for everything!!! Anyway, CHAPTER 8 OF THE GOLDEN!!! Abscond.

Ryan's P.O.V

So, I maybe like Mavin... Yea... I don't know what it is about him that just flips my heart like a switch. God, you sound like a lovestruck girl. Well maybe cause' I am... Arron and Grey both know my secret, but my parents don't. Arron and Grey both promised they would try the best for me to hook up with Mavin. I'm still a little nervous to tell him that I like him, but I will tell him one day. I already told the schools councilor and Mrs. Fostern. But somehow, word got out that I'm gay, and now many many know. One of those people bieng Steven. Anyway, what can I not like about him! He's perfect in every way!!! But, what if he's not 'like' me. That's what I'm scarred about. I was brought back to reality when Mrs. F started talking.

Mavin's P.O.V

Once Mrs. Fostern introduced me she brought me up to the front to say a bit more about me. I'm not good with this kind of thing... But, I can try.

"Hello, M-my name is Mavin Carter. And up until now I've been home schooled. Im currently 10 and will turn 11 in about 2 weeks on October 16th." That wnt better than expec-

"I'M OLDER THAN YOU!!" Ryan shouted from his seat.

"Thank you Ryan, and welcome Mavin." Mrs. Fostern greeted me and excused me to my seat. I sat down and the talking and murmuring started again.

"Hey, what's up with his eye?" I heard one of the girls whispered.

"Wait, he's the guy that got beat up by Steven! Her friend whispered back. I laid my head on my table out of frustration and crossed my arms on the table. Ryan leaned down next to my ear.

"Don't listen to them, they're jerks, in a few weeks you won't even see them anymore." I only nodded to his response. I sat up while the Mrs. Fostern walked up to the front.

"Settle down everyone. I know we are all exited to meet our new student. However, work still must be done." She said, earning a groan from everyone. "First up is math, Ryan may you share your book with Mavin until I get him one?"

"Sure, yea, cool, of course!" Ryan said scooting his math book over to me. We turned the book to the appropriate page and got to work after being told the instructions. Arron, Grey, Ryan, and I worked together. Grey and I went through the work with ease. Meanwhile Ryan and Arron were having troubles.

"Mavin, how are you so smart!?" Ryan exclaimed. To be honest, I don't even know how I was doing this! My brain was just spitting out answers left to right!

"I literally have no idea..." I claimed.

"Yeah right, I don't believe a second of that." Arron mumbled, forehead on the desk. As soon as she said that, the bell rang and startled me. Mrs. Fostern announced that it was time for lunch and dismissed us.

"Hey Mavin, do you even know your lunch code?" Grey asked. ...Huh...

"Um, what's a lunch code?" I asked, earning a sigh from the group.

"Nevermind that, we'll share lunches!" Ryan exclaimed. "Wait at one of the tables and we'll be right back, Mkay? Be right back!" Arron said bringing the rest to the lunch room. I sat down at a stranded table in the back. I saw the people I dreaded the most, Steven's group... I tried to not pay mind and not bring attention to myself. It worked, however a guy from the group saw me and stopped in his tracks. He told something to the group and left them while they walked away. When they were no longer in sight he walked over to me. I tried to scoot away, but I was already on the end of the table. That's when he spoke.

"Hey there." He said in a British accent. I only looked at him and looked back down at my lap. "I'm not like them you know, I won't hurt you. I'm here because I want to know you." He said with a smile. 'Why does everyone want to know stuff about me?' I asked myself.

"What do you want to know?" I asked him still looking down.

"For starters, what's your name?" He asked me.

"Mavin, what's yours?" I asked, finally looking at him.

"Nice to meet you Mavin, my name is-" He was cut off by Ryan yelling.

"Mark! Back off!" He yelled running toward us.

"I only wanted to know his name!" He said, baking away from me.

"Well you know it now so go away!" he said getting in front of me with Arron and Grey at his sides.

"Fine, whatever." He said walking away. "Oh yeah, check your pocket when you get home." He whispered while walking past me.

Ryan asked if he hurt or threatened me. I said that he didn't but he still looked at me curiously but stopped asking after that. We were just talking about class when a question popped in my head.

"Hey, how did you guys meet?" I asked.

Ryan's P.O.V

Once he asked that question I looked to the two girls in front of me and remembered back about a year ago.


It was probably the worst day of my life, word got out that I was gay. People left and right were calling me names, pointing and laughing at me. I got so fed up with everything that I wanted to leave and never come back, and that's what I did. I ran off school grounds and onto a active street. I stopped at the middle of the street and looked at the car going toward me. Everything seemed to happen in slow motion. I felt someone grab me by my hand and pull me out of the way. I turned around and saw a girl on the brink of tears.

"Do you have a death wish!" She yelled now crying. She didn't stop pounding on my chest and crying. "Your such an idiot." She said still hitting me. "I-I'm sorry" and "Thank you" was all I could say to her.

Arron's P.O.V


Ryan and I were walking to school earlier today for a change of pace. While we were walking we noticed it started to rain so we ran back to Ryan's house to get an umbrella. We were walking and talking when we say a girl crying on the steps of the school. We walked over and saw she only had some pants that were soaked and a T-shirt. We went up to her and Ryan took off his jacket while I sat next to her putting the umbrella over her while Ryan used his jacket to give her warmth. She still sobbed but managed a thank you. We hugged her until she stopped crying.

"What's your name anyway? I asked.

"Just call me Grey."

Mavin's P.O.V

"It wasn't anything special, it was just fate." Grey claimed.

A/N: Goodnight. Tune out~

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