Chapter 1

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When I was born my parents named me Mavin Carter. That was when my dad was actually happy. But that was a long time ago. When growing up dad always told me I was an accident and a mistake. I would always ask mom but she would just say that dad was lying and that he loved me very much. But I knew she was lying. Dad never loved me. He would always come home drunk late at night and just pass out on the couch in the living room. Those were the good days me and mom would have when he wasn't home usually we would just clean and joke around. The bad days were when he would come home angry and beat us for no reason. And I hated it. I hated him for hitting my mom. I told him this one day and was beat, again. He takes it more on me than mom thats what I had hoped for in the first place. I never really went to school until i was around 10 years old. My mom thought it would be a good idea to be out of the house. I, of course, didn't want to leave mom alone with that monster but it was no use fighting with mom she always won. It was my first day in elementary school, fith grade. I already knew it was going to be a bad day when I stepped onto school grounds, leaving my mother behind to walk home. I almost forgot what room I was supposed to go to when school started but then I rememberd. Room 205 Mrs. Fostern. I had about an hour before school started before comming i thought 'better safe then sorry'. I decided to take a good look around before school started. I was walking around until I found a group of boys around a tree in the courtyard. A group of girls sitting around the lunch area talking and painting nails. Other students were pouring in the school grounds from the gates. I didn't wanna talk to anyone right now, later though. Walking back to my class I accidentally bumped into one of the guys next to the tree.

"Sorry." I mumbled walking away quicker until I got from the back of my hoodie from a strong grasp.

"Excuse me!?" Said a guy in a deep voice I turned around and saw a guy taller then me in a gray hoodie .

"S-sorry." I said louder but not to the tone that it was hostile and got hit in the face soon after. People heard the argument and started gathering around murmuring.

"You bet you'r ass your sorry!" He said. I wanted to back away and run but ended up bumping into two of his friends. More people gathered around chanting, "Fight! Fight! Fight!" I was mentally screaming myself to get away but all I could do was stay still frozen. I snapped back to reality when i got kicked behind the knee and fell to the ground. This wasn't new to me at all. I got kicked in the stomach multiple times and the last thing I saw was everyone running away and the guy in the Cray hoddie getting dragged away from me. I then passed out.

A/N/ OMG THANK YOU FOR READING CHAPTER 1. I am no good at writing this it was so hard staying focused but hey its out. So anywayz tell me how you like it! See you guys soon. Tune Out!

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