*Unit 10

48 9 1

How long does it take for someone to snap?

How far can their strings be pulled?

How much abuse can they really take before they just...


It was safe to say that Konnor didn't have the best childhood, though it was not in anyway like Rye's grueling fight for survival in the worst part of the planet. The majority of civilians lived a life just like Rye's - scavenging for food, valuing their lives only in days rather than months or years - but you can't have a dictatorship without dictators.

Dictators that took from the poor to fuel their expensive lifestyles.

Looking in from the outside, his life was enviable. People would quite literally kill for a chance to swap places with him - and they'd be right to have that mentality.

The parties, the houses, the glamorous lives - compared to the way bodies were dropping in the streets not to far from where him and his family lived, the difference was monumental.

Was it fair?


Was it the reality of the situation?


The one percent of the population who lived these incredible lives remained sheltered from reality - blinded by their riches. Whilst the economy crumbled, they laughed and drank basking under the three stars.

Konnor had everything. So he didn't expect to loose anything.

It started when his mother died. His father seemed fine at first, he took the appropriate amount of time to grieve and then went on with his life, at least that he looked like on the outside.

Only the people who came into close contact with the man really knew what was going on. 

They were the people who saw how Konnor flinched every time his father entered the room, saw the glares the young boy received every time he smiled at the dinner table, heard his cries at night for a father who didn't love him.

But they didn't care.

Nobody cared that a man that they held in such high regard was waiting for the opportunity every night to make his son feel unimaginable pain and it spurred him on. With no one to stop him, his father took it as encouragement.

So it went on.

And on.

And on.

It took eight years.

His strings had been pulled to the maximum.

Konnor'd taken so much abuse over the years that when the opportunity arouse he looked the old man in the eye and...


There were literally so many ways I could've taken this chapter but this is it.

Yeah I have nothing else to say.


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