A secluded tower in the middle of the woods was the last thing they expected. Then again, they had barely any idea what to expect.

Due to the size of the defences, they had to try and go in unnoticed. Especially because, other than guards, it was rumoured there was a giant monster guarding her.

"Giant monster my ass, this isn't some goddamn fairy tail." Chuuya rolled his eyes as he read the file again, Dazai followed close behind him.

"Ooooooh maybe this monster can finally kill me! Oh, what a great way to die! Maybe it's a dragon... or a werewolf! Or is it-"

"SHUT UP!!" Chuuya yelled. He'd been with the man less than 24 hours and he was already constructing so many fantasies in his head where he kills the taller male.

Sadly, Chuuya's scream didn't go unnoticed and multiple guards were now headed their way.

There were only about 6 guards, none of them gifted. Needless to say, Dazai was sufficiently entertained while watching Chuuya deal with them all in under a minute.

"Chuuya you took so loooooooonnnnnggg!!!" Dazai whined as he started walking to the tower.

"Shut up you annoying prick!!! I didn't see you helping!!!" Chuuya yelled once again, bashing a random guards head against a tree as they approached the tower.

"On your left." Dazai spoke nonchalantly.

"On my what?" Chuuya asked confused before Dazai swiftly kicked a guy about to hit Chuuya from the side. "... I had him."

Dazai didn't comment and kept moving forward.

Shortly they were in front of the main entrance.

"Do they think they're being subtle? There's like 50 guards out here." Chuuya whispered, staring at the miniature army in front of them.

"Hmmmmm... maybe there's a back door." Dazai was tapping his chin in contemplation, an irk mark appearing on Chuuya's forehead at the ridiculous suggestion.

Just as the ginger man opened his mouth to yell, the tall brunette covered it with his hand. A finger was placed over his mocking smirk, telling the short man to be quiet.

"I have an idea." Dazai said with a smirk.


The two men stand there, wearing very ill-fitting uniforms stolen from the guards.

Chuuya had to roll up the sleeves and legs on his uniform due to his shorter stature, much to Dazai's amusement.

Shockingly, the plan worked. Dazai and Chuuya were able to simply saunter through the front door. However, finding the girl wasn't going to be easy...

...or maybe it was.

There was only one door to go through and the first thing they saw was a board with various light bulbs next to the names of several rooms. The bulb next to the sign saying 'art studio' was lit.

"Oooooh what does this do?" Dazai said as he pulled a lever. Immediately the metal shutters in front of them opened to reveal a girl.

She had (h/l), (h/c) hair and (s/c) skin. She sat on a small stool as she flicked a paintbrush along a canvas.

Dazai's eyes lit up once he saw the small girl, immediately fantasising about a double suicide with such a pretty creature.

Moments later she accidentally knocked over her pallet, all of her paint staining the floor. She sighed tiredly and got up, staring intently in front of her then she motioned her arms as if trying to open to very heavy double doors.

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