「 day 42 」

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august 27th 2019


charmer 💚
what does freedom taste like?

lovely ❤
burgers and McDonalds

charmer 💚
it feels very weird that im messaging you at your original account

perks of being back to my dorm

lovely ❤
it feels heavenly to not have someone breathe on the back of your neck whenever you're texting someone

charmer 💚
did jewel hit herself on the head or something?

charmer 💚
i thought shed never let you out of her sight

lovely ❤
maybe she's having a change of heart

charmer 💚
... i doubt that

lovely ❤
yeah me too lol

lovely ❤
do you think she'd let me out of her sight again today?

charmer 💚
im hoping so

charmer 💚
i enjoyed the cuddle session during lunch

lovely ❤
you could barely hold my hand

lovely ❤
and you were blushing

lovely ❤
it was adorable

charmer 💚

charmer 💚
i get nervous around you okay?

charmer 💚
i cant apply what kai taught me in real life scenarios

lovely ❤
don't fret 😂

i enjoy seeing you all flustered

lovely ❤
how are you so adorable?

charmer 💚
shouldnt i be the one asking you that?

charmer 💚
also i found your mom's facebook account

you found my who's what?

charmer 💚
after the whole incident with jewel i thought youd have a passcode to protect your phone

you went through my phone?

charmer 💚
no i just saw a messenger notif from your mom

charmer 💚
looked up her account on my fb acc and messaged her

charmer 💚
shes nice btw

lovely ❤
duh i'd know that

lovely ❤
but holy fuck what did you even talk about???

charmer 💚

charmer 💚
haha who else?

lovely ❤
this explains that out of place message my mom sent

charmer 💚
what did she say?

charmer 💚
does she hate me?

lovely ❤
quite the opposite

bet ko yung boyfriend mo

lovely ❤
which translates to 'i like your boyfriend'

charmer 💚

charmer 💚
i get bragging rights right

lovely ❤
who are you gonna brag this about to?

charmer 💚
my friends

charmer 💚
shit im just so happy

charmer 💚
your mom likes me

charmer 💚
someone finally likes me

charmer 💚
that isnt you or my friends or my mom

woah haha

charmer 💚
too sad?

lovely ❤
let's just keep this moment happy alright?

charmer 💚
pls tell your mom i love her

lovely ❤
oh i will 😂

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