Visha, followed by the others were flustered.

"You said it!!!" Jian and Rayan yelled at the same time.

Tanya placed a hand on her face as she listened to Jian and Rayan laugh over her.


"It's been a week already since you took a day of rest after recovering, captain. How are you feeling today?" Visha asked as she poured a cup of coffee for Tanya.

Tanya warmly smiled in response, while taking the documents down as she took a sip from the warm and soothing taste coming from the warm cup.

"It's been alright I suppose." Tanya said.

Visha giggled as she went back to work.

Tanya savoured every last bit before getting surprised from the sudden burst from her office doors. Even Visha was in a state of shock by that happening.

It was just Tanya's sisters.

"Tanya guess what!!?" Jian exclaimed as she slammed a piece of paper infront of Tanya.

"W-what...!?!" Tanya was in a much bigger trouble than she thought.

"God said it himself that the three of us will be together forever!" Jian laughed.

Tanya grew a nerve as she placed a hand unto her face before slamming her own head on the table.

"T-Tanya! Don't slam your own head on the desk!" Rayan worried.

Jian smiled, while looking over to Tanya and then giggling.


Rayan placed a hand by the brown desk, and then running it by the side, before walking towards her small bag.

"What did you bring before you went to get me out?" Tanya asked.

"Oh, I only took the money i've been earning and the money from father and big brother." Rayan answered.

Tanya raised a brow,  while giving a suspicious look for a quick second, before minding back unto her own buisness.

"You stole money?" Jian asked.

"Not really, I told them to put their wallets inside their room." Rayan said.

"That's stealing, Rayan. Steal an apple and you're a thief now, Rayan." Jian laughed.


"Well, what am I supposed to do anyways. You'll still make me do this list." Jian shrugged as she scanned the small list in hand.

"Second luitenant Visha's going with you." Tanya said.

Visha was a little surprised, but the idea seemed to have made Jian happy.

"Yay!!! Let's go!!" Jian gleamed as she scurried Visha with her out the office.


"Tanya, did you make a letter to the enemy empire before you got captured..?" Rayan asked, after glancing over to Tanya's view.

"I never wrote any letter, Rayan." Tanya declined.

"Then why are they sending my brother here..?" Rayan mumbled.

Tanya's eyes widened from shock and disbelief as she yanked the letter from Rayan's hand.

"I'm kidding, thats just a blank piece of paper." Rayan chuckled as she placed her medal and jewel down on the desk.

Tanya scoffed in such a prank her own sibling did. It was a little unbelievable from the fact Rayan pulled it off like it was nothing.

"You did well on that, let's see how well you can do on wearing a dress for a little picture then." Tanya smirked.

Rayan shivered and gave a confused look from that, but went back on what she was doing.


'Right, they must not know about that small picture of me smiling while holding a damned stuffed bear like an idiot.' Tanya thought while placing the small letter of a short request by her bed side.

Where'd He Get My Vessel? (youjo senki)(saga of Tanya the evil)Where stories live. Discover now