H.B.1- Abused

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She was screaming as she hid her head between her knees on the floor.

Kicks.. she was received football hits from everywhere..

Bruises.. her body was now also known as bruises kingdom..

"Yah.. next time, no messing with me." Said a cold toned smirking boy.
A while ago

She was walking down the stairs, hugging her books so tight like they were people she never wanted to lose.

"Ah.. Look who do we got here! The unknown nerd.."

She stopped in her tracks cursing under her breath as she heard the most unwanted voice.

"Hmph.." she sighed turning around to face the short yet taller figure.

"Looks like my bae isn't in a pretty cool mood today..? Yesterday wasn't enough was it..?"

She looked down immediately as she remembered the day before..

Her entire body ached at the mention of it, she had nightmares..

"I- i have to go, I'm meeting someone......" She stuttered trying to turn around..

But he was quick enough to grab her arm and pull her towards him.

He stared through her soul, while she blushed like a total idiot.

"I told you i know you like me.. right bae..?"

"D-don't bae me.. you have no right, and me.. liking you..? Pfft.. biggest lie ever.."

It wasn't a lie actually, She did actually like him.. she was in love with him to be clear.

In fact, He was her childhood best friend, her first friend, best friend, crush...

They were together since they were 8, but he remembered her no more now..

She moved away, suddenly without telling him, the last time they saw each other were when they were 14..

They always told each other secrets, and stories..

She was forced on leaving town immediately because of her parents jobs..

But now that she is back, he totally forgot about her..

But she always says it's not his fault, she actually did change..

She lost so much weight, and dyed her hair from black to light brown.. she now wears makeup, and became much taller..

"Yah..! You're ignoring me..?!" He said and he was obviously annoyed.

"A-Annyo.." She stuttered again..

"Looks like yesterday wasn't actually enough huh..?" He raised one eyebrow, making her imagine what was going to happen next..

"Yoongi please, i really am not in the mood of getting beats from you right now..." she looked down trying to prevent tears..

He walked two more steps down the stairs so he was now in front of her.

He smirked and came closer to her ears whispering something that made her feel blank.

"Oh, then they will." And he backed off.

She looked at her surrounding just to find that they were surrounded by his mega fangirls and boys.

They were glaring and looking through her innocent soul..

"A-Andwae.." she said quitly as they started walking slowly to the back..

She accidentally tripped and fell over Yoongi, making them both flinch.

He immediately pushed her off making her fall in the middle of every one.

She tried holding in her tears even harder..
"Please don't do this.. i really have my reasons, do it another time.." she said as a tear betrayed her.

"Aww.. guys.. how do we treat a girl like-"
He looked pitiful at her "-her"..

Everyone looked down at you, and tarted their jobs..

Milk was spilled, punches were punched, kicks were kicked, and curses were yelled..

Not only bruises this time, but even blood..
tears, yells, screams, cries.. nothing helped.

How is this even a school? Why isn't there anybody here..?

She looked up covering her face avoiding any hits towards her face..

"Yoongi- help me please.." she begged, making him smirk..

"Aaah- oopsie.. not good enough-"

He suddenly closed his mouth, and then his lips parted..

Shock and confusion were now taking all over his face..

Concern, worry, and even horror..
He saw something, that made him go back in time..

"Guys enough.. give me a minute.." he said but now one obeyed.

"I said ENOUGH!" He yelled out frustrated this time..

Everyone soon stopped, he ordered them all to go away, and they did.

He kneeled down to match her hight..
and she lifted her head up weakly..

"I- i hate you.." she mumbled.

"What's that on your neck?! From where did you get it-"

"It's none of your business, i have to go."

"Not before you tell me who's that."

"It's on my neck, it's mine."

"No it's not, you stole it from someone didn't you?!"

"Anyo.. it's mine.."

"Open it, there should be something inside."

"Never." She hissed before standing up and running away.

She left him there, in total confusion, and he has only one thought now.

"Is it her...?"

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