Ch.10// Meet Evan

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I showed off the last of my burns, rapping the bandages back around my abdomen and pulling my shirt down. Evan has his chin on his and and was listening intently. His eyes were wide by the time I was finished. "I know. Pretty cool right." I smiled.
He nodded. His mouth gaped open while he sat up. I leaned over and pushed his chin up, closing his mouth. He blinked and chuckled.
"Wow! You went through all that and you're still just scared of heights?" I laughed. She smiled but her expression soon dropped as she remembered how high up we were and pushed back against the trunk again.
"S-sorry. I didn't mean to-" "No it's fine. I jus tanned to..." she took slow deep breaths and shut her eyes. It was already getting really dark, but we had no means of getting down and neither of us had phones.
"Well, this is quite the predicament we're in." I said. "Did you know that the usual lifespan of and oak is about 200 years?" I said, and immediately regretted it. Why would you say soemthi my like that? She-
"-but some live over 1,000 years." She said. I smiled brightly. She chuckled and said, "Yah. And an oak produces more than 2000 acorns every year, but only 1 in 10,000 acorns will grow into an oak tree." She smiled.
I was about 2 seconds away from squealing. She was so cute when she talked like that.

Evan was staring at me with the biggest grin I've ever seen. It was like I'd just handed him $2 million. I started giggling because he looked so funny. I was happy he had taken my mind off of Michael, let me think clearly for a minute.
We sat in silence for a minute, and I thought as I looked at the stars, I completely overreacted. What is wrong with me? He was being sweet and I shoved him and ran out. Though, it was a little weird and out of nowhere. I sighed, thinking about his chocolate brown eyes, and gorgeous smile, where his nose scrunched up, and his hair that had fluffy, textured curls in it. My cheeks warmed up as I thought, Oh my god. I'm such an idiot.
I love Michael Mell.

Evan's POV
She smiled and looked up at the stars. I loved her smile. And her sarcastic witty humor. And her cocky attitude. And how sweet and smol her exterior was, which was the exact opposite of how she acted.
"Is there anyone you think about Evan?" She asked me. My face grew bright red, but it was dark, so hopefully she couldn't see. "Uh-um. What do you mean?"
"Yah know. Someone that is on your mind, and you can't get out. Someone that makes you warm up and laugh or smile. You can truly feel emotion with." I hummed softly as I listened to her talk. "Well... t-there is this o-one p-person." I said. God, what am I doing? "Who?" She said. Shut up right now Evan! "Well, she has this amazing smile. It makes me feel happy just looking at it." She leaned closer with her chin on her hand, like she was concentrating. "And um, s-she is really funny, and sweet. I like listening to her talk."
She nodded again. I cleared my throat uncomfortably, and looked down at her. I think she could tell I was nervous because she put a hand on my arm and gently rubbed it, reassuringly. I turned into a blushing mess.
"You just have to be honest with her Evan. What girl wouldn't like you?"
I blushed at her words. She's right. I have to tell her.
Suddenly there was a blinding light in our eyes. "Hello? Who's up there?" We heard from below. Y/N popped up and waved her hand around. "We're here! Help, we're up here!" She yelled.
After 30 minutes or so, the rangers had ladders and were helping us down branches. Once we were safely on the ground, Y/N grabbed my wrist and threw my hand up in the air, smacking it hard with hers.
"Woo! We made it down!" She giggled and jumped up to hug me. Oh my god Evan stop blushing so much you weirdo!!
But she was just too much.

We were finally on the ground. I was so happy I threw his hand up and high fives him. Then I jumped up and gave him a hug. He stiffened up which made me giggle more.
"Okay, well I definitely need to head home. My mom's going to be home in about and hour and a half. I'll see you Evan!" I yelled. I walked home, happy about my new friend. I saved a kid from almost dying today. And discover led my love for my friend. It was a good night!

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