chapter fourteen

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We split off in different directions, me leaving with Jay, Carlos, Gil and Harry. I strolled beside Carlos, who had unwrapped my arm and took a look while we were walking. I stepped over a log, with my held out towards my blonde best friend, who was looking extremely close at the cut.

"It doesn't look too deep. It's clotted now too." He murmured.

"I told you it was okay."

"Well, it would have been better if the fabric on it was clean." Carlos glanced over to Harry who was dragging his hook lightly across the trees. Harry rolled his eyes and pointed his hook.

"My patience is wearin' thin with ye, fish bait. I looked after 'er." He snapped. We were meant to be working together and even though my friends were being nicer than usual their snide comments were never ending. I pulled my arm away from Carlos.

"Hey, Hanna." I looked forward to see Gil picking flowers from a nearby bush. "Can you read me your book sometime? I'm not the best at reading." He blushed at me. I smiled at him, nodding.

"Of course."

Carlos had left me alone and carried on following Dude. Harry stepped in beside me, his hook swinging through bushes causing leaves to fall. His face looked bored and almost. He kept glancing at me.

"What?" I asked, brushing my finger's over a nearby tree.

"Aren't ye getting' sick of them poking their noses in?" He asked. I nodded.

"I understand though, I got hurt last time."

"So did I." He mumbled. I sighed, linking my arm with his. I felt safe clinging onto his

"We're getting along right now, don't let everyone else spoil it." He looked down at me, and nodded once. "I have a question for you."

"Go on."

"Did you read my book?" He paused for a moment, stopping in his tracks. I stopped with him and turned to face him.

"Ben sent a copy directly t' the Jolly Roger. I dint come out of ma room til I'd finished. I loved it. It hurt though, at the end." He traced his fingers down the side of my face going off into a daydream. His eyes were swirling with clouds of, I wasn't sure

"I didn't mean it. I thought I did. But I didn't." I whispered.

"Say it." He pressed his forehead against mine. Our breathing was shallow and erratic.

"I can't, not yet."

"I'll say it then." I lifted my finger to his lips and shook my head.

"Please don't." I whispered. Harry had barely been back in my life a day and he was already turning me upside down all over again. He sighed and kissed my forehead, his lips stayed pressed against my skin.

"How did I ever hurt ye?" He mumbled.

We carried on walking with Carlos and Gil. Even though my head was telling me to run thousands of miles away, I couldn't help myself to intertwine our fingers together as we walked. When we reached a clearing, heading towards Evie's place. Carlos sat on a nearby rock and called Dude back to him, while Gil headed straight for another berry bush.

"Hey, we should play that icebreaker. Jay, I like the way you can bounce around and jump off things." Gil said, popping another berry in his mouth. Jay furrowed his eyes brows surprised but walked over to Gil. Gil was putting more and more berries into his mouth. "These are free right?" I was forced to stop eavesdropping when Harry pushed me up against the tree we were standing by.

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