chapter four

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The best place to look for Mal was the den, which was in the centre of isle. This used to be the castle to our kingdom. Jay picked up the rocks and aimed for the sign. He knocked it back perfectly with his aim.

"Go on." He said to Ben. Ben was looking up in awe. We guided him to the stairs.

"Wish me luck." He said. We didn't, instead Jay spoke again.

"Straight up." Soon as Ben was out of the way. I burst in the worst way possible, like the old me would have. My hair blazed and I kicked down the barrel nearest to me as my friends watched. The heat radiating and coursing through me in such a fit.

"Damn it!" I shouted, punching the wall over and over, until finally Jay and Carlos pulled me back and I broke, my fire still burning. I cried; the tears burned my eyes. Evie pulled her sleeves down her hands to protect herself and cupped my face.

"Hey now, you're going to ruin your make up." I stared into her eyes and by the look of them, she was fighting her fear of the fire. I sniffled and tried to control my erratic breathing, homing in on her voice. "It's going to be okay. I promise. I have your back, it's okay. You never know, you finally get that perfect ending for your book." She gave a half smile. I nodded and closed my eyes. I cooled down which allowed Jay and Carlos to release me.

I opened my eyes and looked down at my undamaged hands which had healed so quickly. I moved my eyes up to my friends, giving them a nod. A thank you in Isle form and they nodded back.

"Umm, Han your eyes are still super bright." Carlos coughed, pointing out.

"I'll be fine. I'm channelling to one place." I told him.

I stepped back and leaned against the wall, crossing my arms. The four of us waited.

It wasn't long until we heard the frustrated stamping of our King coming down the stairs. We all stood straight.

"So? Where's Mal?" Evie asked. Ben's face looked sour.

"I'll talk to her." I huffed and walked over to phone we had created as children. "M? Mal, its me Hanna. Please, can we talk for just a second."

"Go away!" Rippled down the pipe not even a second later. My hair lit again, and Jay grabbed my arm, I turned towards him.

"Let's give her a couple of hours to calm down." Jay suggested and I nodded, flames going out.

"Guys?! Where's Ben?" Carlos panicked as we stepped towards him. The four of us looked down the intensely fogged alley.

"Ben?! Ben!" Evie called. A figure was strolling towards us in the fog.

While everyone else took a sigh of relief, I held mine because while my friends thought they were telling Ben he had scared us, I knew it was someone else entirely. The atmosphere had changed. The sound of rusted buckles was ringing in my ears. Chains like my own were dancing creating what used to be the sound of music to my ears. Their head was down, and I don't think anyone else spotted the dull red until it was too late. He raised his head, out of the smoke. Bold sky-blue eyes established by thick amounts of eyeliner. He was quick, which I gave him credit for, but I still didn't breathe.

"What? Don't scare you?" He smirked. "But that's my speciality." His heritage Scottish accent made my stomach churn. Our eyes clicked and I took a step forward, Jay tried to pull me back. He was stopped by Evie, who let me pass. I gulped, then finally took that breath.

"Harry." I whispered.

"Hanna. Sooo, it is true." He narrowed his eyes. Before I had my chance to explain, my chance to say anything else. Someone else butted in.

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