A very TrUsFrAtEd Jungkook

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"Yahh Jungkook. I won't tell you again. I want you up and ready in 5 minutes or else I'll leave you starving!" Yelled Jin Hyung from downstairs in the kitchen.

"Ughhhh! What's his problem" I thought to myself as I rolled my tiring self out of bed and trudge to the bathroom to freshen up. Once I finished, I slid on a pair of black joggers and a white vest and left my wet hair to dry naturally.

As I reached downstairs, all of the members were already there and sitting beside them were their girlfriends. Jimin Hyung was sat next to Kim Ji-ah, Yoongi Hyung was sat next to Min Hyun, Namjoon Hyung was sat next to Song Ji-Yoo, Taehyung Hyung was sat next to Park Mi cha, Hoseok Hyung sat next to Song Sang-hee and Jin Hyung sat next to Choi Jae-Hwa.

The table was full of unusual food that I have never seen or heard of. I knew it was definitely not Korean so it had to be from somewhere international.

"Jin Hyung, what's this?" I asked, sitting on the empty seat next to Hoseok Hyung. "I have prepared a full English breakfast. Its what the people in the UK usually like to eat in the morning." Jin Hyung answered. "It includes Bacon, Poached eggs, grilled tomatoes, fried mushroom, buttered toast, and sausages."

"And you prepared this ALL by yourself?!" I asked astonished. "Of course not," Jae-Hwa noona (Jin's girlfriend) said, pouring everyone a glass orange juice into their cups. "I helped him of course." Jin then gave her soft peck on her lips before settling down to eat. I rolled my eyes at the cute couple as a quiet scoff escaped my mouth.

From opposite the table, I heard Jimin Hyung and Taehyung Hyung giggling with each other. "Cheer up Kookie!" Laughed Tae. "I promise you that you will find someone."

"Shut up!" I grumbled. "Hey, don't be mad at him. No wonder you're single. No one likes to date grumps." Teased Jimin. Ji-ah unnie slapped the back of Jimin's head, "Park Jimin! Who told you to tease Jungkook like that. Sorry about that Kookie. But honestly, I'm sure you will find the girl of your dreams."  

"Whatever," I sighed. I dug into the food and different flavours burst into my mouth. It was like heaven in there. After feeding my satisfied tummy, I was prepared to go back into my room when Namjoon Hyung said that he wanted to make an announcement.

"Everyone before you go, I just wanted to announce that I will be throwing a party in honour of releasing my new solo album Mono. The Party will take place tomorrow, so, therefore, please dress your best as I will be inviting some special guest and the press over to take pictures and to interview us as well. Girls you're all invited and be sure to bring a date as we will open the ceremony with a slow dance. You may all now leave."

After the announcement, I stormed up to my bedroom and threw myself on the bed in frustration. "Argh!" I screamed into the pillow. Great! Just great! A party that includes a date and an opening dance ceremony. Worst of all, the press would be invited as well. What would they think when BTS Jeon Jungkook doesn't turn up with a date to the party. That was when I heard a soft knock on the door.

"Come in," I shouted. In came in Yoongi's girlfriend Min Hyun. "Hey, Kookie." She softly said as she sat down next to me on my bed. "I know you must be feeling very stressed about who to bring to the dance. If you want I can hook up one of my girlfriends to be your date for the night."

"Really?" I exclaimed, turning my head to face Hyun noona. "You would do that for me?"

"Of course! How can I let my little brother like you feel left out at the ceremony," she said whilst ruffling my hair. "Oh, and by the way, her name  is Manoban Lisa and she would be very happy that you have agreed to be her date!"

"Manoban? Is that even a Korean name?" I asked. "Anni, it's a Thai name. Lisa isn't originally from Korea. She's from Thailand. But don't worry, she's lived in Korea long enough to speak fluent Korean!"

"Thank you so much noona!" I exclaimed and hugged her before she left. 

At last, I won't be going alone to Namjoon Hyungs ceremony.

So, guys, that's it, my very first chapter!! I know it's not much but that was just to build up a basic story background. I can assure you that the plot will begin in the next chapter!!

Please don't forget to comment if you liked the story and please vote for me! >.< 

Catfish|| Jeon Jungkook ff ||Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя