Chapter XII ~ Studying Tells a Lot

Start from the beginning

Mina froze.

Final Exams?

What Final Exams?

The ones Mr. Aizawa had said to very meticulously prepare for because they pretty much determined their grades for the entirety of the third semester?

She hadn't forgotten, had she?

Holy. Freaking. Crap. She had.

They were... When were they again? Monday? They started on Monday, and she hadn't even studied yet!

"Final Exams? What? I... I totally forgot!"

Izuku glanced her way, eyes filled with concern. "Um, Ashido, they start next week. You know that, right?"

Everyone else seemed stunned that she'd neglected to notice the most important test of the year sneaking up on her. She whined and held her head in frustration, angry at nobody but herself. But because she was petty, she still took it out on her friends. "Why didn't you guys tell me?"

"We thought you knew!" Sero shouted.

"You know I don't pay attention in class! Why didn't you set up something, like a group study sesh?"

Kaminari crossed his arms. "C'mon, Ashido. 'Cause that's boring. This is your fault. Don't blame it on us."

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry. But what am I supposed to do?" she whined.

Kaminari shrugged. "You're gonna have to figure it out. I mean, honestly, I wouldn't have expected any less from you in the first—"

Kirishima slapped him on the shoulder to shut him up, and Izuku, feeling empathetic about her current situation, offered his condolences. "I-I can help you study. I need to go over some topics anyway. Whatever you need."

"I know you don't want to do that, Midoriya. Besides, it's already too late. There's too much for me to remember."

Izuku furrowed his eyebrows, partly out of anger and partly out of pity. "Well we can at least try."

"He makes a good point," Kirishima said.

Mina lifted her head from the table, still moping. She gave Izuku a look, one filled with suspicion and uncertainty. "Really? You'd do that? Even while we're still on house arrest?"

"Yes, Ashido. I'd be happy to."

In no time flat her frown flipped into a smile, and her eyes lit up like nebulas in the night sky. She wasn't sure what to do with the excitement of finally finding hope, and so, pleading for his comfort, she turned toward Izuku. "Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you! Thank you so, so much, Midori!" she squealed, leaning over her seat and wrapping her arms around him.

He froze, embarrassment through the roof, wondering whether or not to push her away. His friends were watching right in front of his eyes, and they were the type to tease.

"Um, A-Ashido..."

As realization dawned across her face, Mina tried to keep her cool. She'd reacted too swiftly, done something she might regret. "Sorry for surprising you, Midori, but I'm just so happy!" she squeaked, slithering her way away from him and sitting up straight, and she wouldn't have looked her classmates in the eye if her life depended on it. They were definitely looking at her funny; she could tell. "How about tonight? Let's meet here at seven once we finish our chores."

"Okay," he said. "And don't forget your books."

"I won't," she promised, and it was officially set in stone.


It was already dark by the time Izuku made it downstairs. There, sitting in the same seat as earlier, was Mina, waiting for him.

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