Chapter 9

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Byakuya paced in front of me as I sat down on one of the library sofas.
"What am I going to do? I don't have any excuses for this" Byakuya muttered to himself. I sighed. Fukawa had gotten in the way again and this time we couldn't explain ourselves.
"W-Well what if we say that we just bumped into eachother? It's not impossible for us to walk down the same corridor, is it?" I proposed but Togami shook his head.
"I'm not even meant to be near you. Plus we were both late and she might have caught me waiting for you" he explained, as he continued to pace and mutter useless solutions to himself. I sighed and stood up.
"Byakuya"-he stopped pacing-"Maybe it's time to end this"
"End what?"
"End us. I don't really know what we are to eachother but perhaps the only solution now to make your dad happy is for us to stop meeting and speaking all together"
"Don't be ridiculous, Y/n. I'm not just going to give up like that"
"Byakuya, I don't want to ruin you and your Dad's relationship"
"I don't care about that! If he's not willing to make amends then I'm not willing to make amends. This...means more" Byakuya exclaimed, though his voice got softer as he spoke.
"Byakuya I-"
"T-There they are!!" A strained voice squealed. Our heads rapidly turned to the source of the voice, and I felt myself tense up. A tall,broad man stood with the dreaded Toko Fukawa. He was...intimidating to say the least. I knew him though; this was Mr. Togami. Mr Togami walked towards us menacingly, with toko staggering behind him. He walked until he was face to face with Byakuya, the two relatives glared at each other.
"What did I tell you, Byakuya? What was the one instruction that I gave?" Mr Togami's deep voice spoke.
"You told me to completely avoid Y/n at all costs"
"And why?"
"Because she's a bad influence and I should be with Toko"
"And why haven't you done that?"
"Because, Father, I see Toko as nothing but a disgusting snake" Byakuya's hand took mine and pulled me up from my seat to his side.
"I don't care what you think. I don't care what arranged marriages or schemes you throw at me. I'm..." Byakuya stopped talking and looked at me.
"In love. I'm in love".
Mr Togami's disgusted glare moved over to me. I felt my stomach tie in knots as he raised an eyebrow at me.
"You're Y/n, I presume?"
"Y-Yes sir. I'm Y/n"
"And you're the girl that's getting in the way of my Son's future?"
I lowered my head and bit my lip, was that what I was doing? Interfering with his future?
"If you're not going to accept my choices and decisions, Father, then I'm not willing to be in contact with you." Byakuya practically hissed, shooting daggers at Toko and his father. There was silence for a few moments, before Byakuya's father sighed heavily.
"This is ludicrous. Though I suppose I've got no choice anymore, have I?" Mr Togami stepped closer to me.
"I'll let you slide, but if I hear you're interfering with my business, there'll be trouble. Got that princess?" He growled lowly.
"Y-Yes sir." My voice trembled. Mr Togami took one final look at us and shook his head, before turning abruptly and walking proudly out of the room. A large sigh of relief slipped through Byakuya's lips.
"W-What?! M-Mr to-togami!! It can't e-end like this!!" Toko spiralled desperately. I chuckled lowly at her panic, to which she turned and glared at me.
"Y-You disgusting being! This is a-all your fa-fault!" She exclaimed.
"Excuse me, that's my girlfriend you're talking to. Go find some other poor soul to bother" Togami hissed. Fukawa clutched her braids tightly, and scampered out of the empty library. Before I knew what was happening, a laugh escaped my lips.
"What's so funny?" Byakuya questioned.
"After all this sneaking around, we're suddenly free! We've got no restrictions anymore!" I grinned widely. Byakuya's arms snaked around my waist and pulled me close to him, a small smile playing on his lips.
"I know, it's unreal. But you know what I don't have to hide anymore?" He asked.
I didn't get an audible response. I instead got an action. An amazing, adoring, romantic action that made my heart swell.

He kissed me.

We pulled apart and I blinked in surprise. He smirked at me.
"So where now, my love?" Byakuya asked me, pressing his forehead against mine. I sighed, a wave of bliss encased me.
"How about my place?"
We smiled at each other, and then separated, though our hands quickly found each other and intertwined. Proudly, we strolled out of the library and into the vast corridor. I couldn't help but feel overjoyed. I felt as if we had achieved something, that we were finally unrestricted. I don't think I've ever felt so much love for someone.
"Oh! I forgot I left my math book in class. Just a minute love!" I gave Byakuya a quick kiss on the cheek and swiftly skipped off to the class room.
I found it easily, and closed the door behind me after I had entered. I immediately noticed my book underneath my desk, so I approached my desk chair and sat in it. As I was reaching for my book, I felt a wave of nausea splash over me. I sat up immediately. My senses went numb and my vision swayed left to right furiously. With a pounding headache, I slowly lowered my head onto the desk and wrapped my arms around it.
The world went black, before I could regain my vision. I woke up in the math class room with a note on the desk in front of me. Upon taking in my surroundings, I had one question immediately.

Why were there bolts on the windows?

Hey everyone!
I'm so incredibly sorry! This fanfic is definitely not discontinued, I've just been really busy and overwhelmed and had to take a break for a while. I apologise for keeping you all waiting and I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I plan to upload more often and if I fall behind, please remind me to update. I appreciate you all very much and thank you for showing your support.

-Blue <3

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2020 ⏰

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