Chapter 6

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I made my way to the back exit, waving at friends as I passed by. I was met by Togami staring at his watch.

"Took you long enough" He told me upon hearing my footsteps. I smiled in response as we left the building,Byakuya unlocking the door and holding it for me as I got in the car.  I looked around as he got in himself.

"No sign of your dad today, huh?" I spoke in which he groaned.

"Please let's not mention him. I still haven't received any sign of him pulling away the wedding offer" We began to drive away from the school. I looked out the window as the world went by and we soon arrived home. I unlocked the door and placed my bag on it's usual hanger, Togami's next to mine. I collapsed onto the couch and turned the TV on.

"Don't you have a science project to be working on?" Byakuya asked me. I decided to ignore him and continued humming the Gravity Falls theme tune as it played.

"Honestly, you'll be scratching your head wondering why you got an F, imbecile" He stated as he walked upstairs. I snickered to myself and proceeded to chill out. I almost fell asleep until a loud knock on the door woke me up. Before I could answer it, Togami rushed down the stairs.

"Don't.Answer.That" He suddenly said.

"Why?" I reached for the handle as the knocks grew louder.

"Y/n don't!" He yelled. I took my hands away and tilted my head in confusion. Suddenly the door opened and a tall man walked in, Fukawa scuttling behind him.

"S-see! I told you t-this is were the n-nasty creature lives!" She stuttered furiously. Byakuya seemed to be sending death glares at the man and Toko. I looked between the angry people who had suddenly barged into my house.

"Uhm, who are you exactly?" I asked, looking at the guy. His glare wandered to me.

"So you're the idiot who has been covering for my son, hm? How very dare you!" He shouted. I winced slightly at someone raising their voice, then it clicked.

"Wait, YOU'RE  Togami's DAD?!" I shouted.

"God how idiotic can you be?" He shot back. Toko sniggered behind him.

"Anyway, I shall be returning my Son home and he shan't communicate with you again" Mr. Togami spoke.

"Like Hell I will be" Byakuya scoffed. Mr. Togami's eyes narrowed behind his glasses.

"Byakuya, get in the car right now" Byakuya didn't budge. By now, I had slowly backed up to Byakuya's position.

"Maybe it's for the best that you listen to him" I whispered. He stared at me like I was mad, but sighed and walked out the door furiously. The two followed him, slamming the door after taking his bag from the hanger. I listened again to the constant silence of the house as I decided to call it a day and just go to bed.

~Timeskip brought to you by nO That's wRoNg~

I woke up, no sun in my eyes due to the gloomy day. I got up and of course did my usual prep for school. 30 minutes later, I left my horrible house and started my walk to school. It was lonely, I'll admit. I wished I hadn't told Byakuya to go with his Father. I wish he'd have stayed with me. My thoughts went on for so long that I was at school in no time. I pushed open the doors and met the busy crowds of the school hallways.

"Yo Y/n!" Akane shouted, dragging over Asahina as she ran to me.

"Hey Akane, Aoi" Aoi gave me a small wave and Akane frowned.

"What's up? You look upset" She told me. I shook my head.

"It's nothing, I just...have a headache" I replied, smiling the best I could.

"Awh man, I know how you feel. Swimming gives you headaches aaaaaaall the time!" Asahina laughed. 

"Oh crap, I gotta get to first lesson. I'll see you guys" I waved, walking away to my next lesson. I stepped into the classroom, my eyes darting to see Togami sat right at the front, avoiding all eye contact with everyone. I felt confused, he would always sit behind me in this class at the back. Then again, I suppose he's been told to stay away from me. I sighed and pulled my seat out, noticing a folded piece of paper resting on it. Curiously, I pick it up and open it.

'##### ###### is my number, go to the library at lunch'. I cocked an eyebrow. Who was this from? I added the number quickly to my phone. 'Mysterious number' I titled it as the lesson begun. I practically ignored my other lessons leading to lunch, wondering desperately who gave me the note. Finally, that satisfying bell rung and I quickly walked to the library. It was empty. Not even the beloved librarian sat in her seat. I looked around, seeing no one until someone grabbed my wrist and pulled me swiftly to the back of a shelf. I looked up to see a slightly relieved-looking Byakuya.

"Byakuya? You gave me the note?" I asked, removing my wrist from his grip.

"Well obviously you plebeian. Did you really think I wouldn't see you just because my Father said so?" He sneered, crossing his arms.

"I didn't think you'd really care that much to disobey him"

"Well I did, so shut up and talk to me"

~Hello! Sorry for the wait but I'm hoping everyone is enjoying the story! The next chapter will be out soon (I hope) so stay tuned~

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