Chapter 3

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I unlocked my front door and stepped inside, Byakuya following me. I noticed him glancing around as I closed the door. I walked into the large kitchen and got the coffee stuff out. He took a seat at the breakfast bar and seemed to be staring at my back. I finished the coffee and handed him his while I leaned against the opposite side of the bar, facing him. He drank a bit then stared at me, a look of surprise on his face.

"How did you know how I take coffee?" He asked. I chuckled.

"I heard a girl nervously giving you coffee and saying what it was"

"That was last week"

"I have a good memory" I sipped my own. He rolled his eyes.

"Girls...They never leave me alone. They always try to win me over with ridiculous love letters" He spoke.

"And you've never accepted any of them?" I looked curiously, tilting my head.

"None of them ever took my interest. What about you?"

"Same with me. I never liked any of them" We sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes when Byakuya spoke up.

"Y/N, If you don't mind me asking, what happened to your family?" He asked, looking at me over the rim of his glasses. I sighed.

"Well, two years back I was ill and couldn't go on holiday. I was adamant that they should go and I would stay since they deserve to have fun. God was that the worst mistake of my life. On their return flight, the plane failed to fly and crashed. Killing everyone inside it. And now...they're gone" I managed to say. Tears managed to fall down my cheeks as I lowered my head. Byakuya  took note of it and rested his hand on top of mine to calm me.  He squeezed my hand to get my attention, in which I looked up at him. He had a look I hadn't seen from him before, affection.

"But You're still here" I just stared at him, shocked at what he just said. I opened my mouth to say something but no words came out. Byakuya smiled at me and finished his coffee, walking around the breakfast bar and placing his cup in the sink. As he turned around, I threw my arms around him and hugged him.

"Thank you...No one ever told me that" I mumbled. I felt his arms eventually wrap around me. After a few comfortable minutes, I released him and cleared my throat.

"Sorry...Couldn't stop myself" I smiled guiltily. He shook his head but smiled.

"What am I going to do with you, Y/N?" I laughed. I walked him to the door as he unlocked his car.

"See you tomorrow Byakuya!" I waved from the doorway. He just smiled in return and drove off. I closed the door and cleaned the dirty mugs. Afterwards, I decided to call it a day and went to bed.


I woke up eagerly today. I'm not quite sure why, but I seemed excited. I got dressed and completed my daily routine. Just as I left the door, I noticed a familiar car outside my house. I locked the door as a voice came from it.

"Are you coming or not?" I turned to see Byakuya leaning against the car door.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him. He rolled his eyes and opened the door for me.

"Just get in the car idiot" I laughed to myself as he walked around to the driver's seat. He started driving to school.

"So why'd you pick me up?" I asked. 

"I just happened to be passing and thought I had enough time"

"Buuuut school is the opposite way" I pointed out. I noticed his cheeks dusted with pink.

"S-Shut up"

"Did you stutter?"

"I will not hesitate to kick you out" He spoke. I laughed and looked out the window. He tried to hide his smile but I saw it. We soon reached school and I thanked him as I went to my first lesson. I was met by Akane and Asahina sat in the seats either side of mine.

"Y/N! Over here!" Asahina called, waving as if I had forgotten where I sat. I chuckled and walked over, placing my bag down and taking a seat.

"Wassup?" Akane asked, resting her head on her hand.

"What do you mean?" I asked, taking my pen out.

"You look overly excited, did something happen?" Akane replied. I shook my head.

"No, nothing happened" I avoided eye contact.

"Ooo who is it? Who's the guy?" Asahina nudged me with her elbow. I scoffed.

"Oh please! I just woke up happy today!" I protested. They laughed and shook their heads.

"You're such a bad liar, Y'know" Akane pointed out, leaning back and putting her hands behind her head. I went to say something but the teacher walked in.

"Welp, time to sleep" Asahina whispered over the teachers entrance, placing her head on the desk and closing her eyes. I looked over at Akane who was busy making a tower of pens. I had no idea how these kids were surviving this school year. 


Lesson finally ended and I gently woke up Asahina. She kept snoring so I left her to Akane and decided to head to my next lesson. I walked down the hallways of busy students until I reached the door. I pushed it open and took my regular seat near the back. I was getting out my things when I heard someone clear their throat. I looked up from my bag and saw Hajime looking at me, a faint smile on his face. I glared and looked back down.

"Awh c'mon Y/N, I made a mistake. You can't hate me forever" He whined as I sat up.

"Watch me" I shot back.

"But he started it! He provoked me. I was being a gentleman and stopping him from being rude to you"

"What kind of gentleman tries to punch a random person for giving him the slightest attitude. Have you heard of maturity?" I flicked through the pages of my history book and stood it up in an attempt to ignore him. He pushed it back down and stared at me.

"Well why don't you hate him, too? He's just as bad" Hajime questioned. I rolled my eyes.

"Trust me, he isn't as bad as you" I glared. Hajime shook his head.

"Your loss" He muttered, listening in on the lesson. I scoffed and continued to read. God I couldn't wait to go home.

We weren't meant to be~Byakuya Togami x readerWhere stories live. Discover now