Chapter 6 - Edited

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I'm following behind the others that were associates just hours earlier with no will of my own and wish I could at least trip myself. I know it's childish for a dead man to want to do anything along those lines, but I'm getting desperate. There's no mist I can see and have to ride this out to the end, with the hope that I'll eventually reach an end to this madness.

Upon exiting the doors of the school for what I hope will be the last time, I keep an eye out for state educator twelve. I know his eyes of flame are watching me, but can sense no movement beyond the mass of black that encircles me. The sounds of cheering fills my ears, but I don't join the chorus of jubilation.

A long line of black cars are waiting and the state citizens are being led towards the next step in their new lives. Drivers in black robes are holding up signs that read nothing more than titles and I don't see clerk among them. The crowd starts to thin and feel my heart beating in my chest. I don't want to be left behind with state educator twelve, since state educator nine can't protect me forever and believe he'll eventually strangle me with his bony fingers.

All that's left is one car and a driver looking directly at me with a sense of dread in his brown eyes. There's no sign in his hands and the car's very different from the others. They may all be black, but only this one appears to tilt and has more doors than the others. I figure it's better to head in that direction and don't need much words of encouragement. The worst that can happen is to be turned away, but the way his cold eyes are looking at me, I don't think it'll happen.

The tilt must be my eyes playing tricks on me, since cars don't lean like that one is. The closer I get the more I realize this isn't an illusion and the tilt's even more than I first thought. I'm a little nervous about what might be waiting inside, but even more about what's waiting behind me if I have to return.

There's nothing to fear. Nothing to be nervous about. Go to the car that can only be there for you.

Show yourselves to me. I know your there. Why hide at all? Bring on the darkness and let me be a rest.

The driver smiles, but there's no truth in his smile. His smile's the type that comes from someone before they kill you and it's eerily similar to state educator twelve's false smile. I don't like what I see, but can't go back. I'm too close not to be noticed by whatever's waiting inside.

His voice sings out with a singular tune. "Congratulations on becoming a citizen of the state. I'm state driver fifty-seven and the people in the back would like to give you a ride to your next location. Please get in."

It's clear there's no choice on my part at all and too close to flee. The door opens quieter than it should by his narrow hand and I can make out something unhuman within the confines of the vehicle. My mind plays over the last line and there was no pleasantry at all. This wasn't an offer, but a command and I hesitate to go any further. It isn't just the fear of the thing within, but the scent of something truly wretched.

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