Chapter 19

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A/N: this will probably be the most important chapter if this book. I hope you will all like it. It's going to be big. That's all I'm saying.
WARNING: angst
WORDS: 4.7k +

7k +

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Sarah turned on her side and reached for Roger with her hand, who was laying next to her. Or at least she thought he was. When she only felt a cold, empty spot in bed, she opened her eyes slowly.
"Rog?" She said sleepily. The pregnant woman turned on her back and groaned. "What time is it?" She mumbled to herself and looked at the alarm clock on the nightstand. 7:35 am. She groaned again and rubbed her eyes. She never slept that long. But Roger never was up that early. Maybe he had just gone to the bathroom. Sarah closed her eyes again and decided to wait for him, but ten minutes later he still wasn't there. Maybe he had gone downstairs after all.

She yawned and stretched her arms above her head before placing them on her little bump.
"Good morning to just you then." She grinned. "No idea where your daddy is." She then noticed it had started to rain outside, it was the first time since they'd stayed in Rusper. So far it had been around 30 degrees Celsius every single day with bright sun. Which wasn't common for England, but she didn't mind a bit of rain just now.

After she had gotten dressed in a flowy, floral dress and fixed her hair and makeup she made her way downstairs.

She expected to see her boyfriend there but there was no one to be seen.
"Roger? Fred? Anyone?" She called but no one answered her. All she could think of was that were already the studio.

It was still raining outside so she quickly made her way over to the barn across the house. The gravel made a crunching noise underneath her cowboy boots. As she came nearer she saw the door to the living area was open and she heard some voices come from there.

"This is ridiculous!" Freddie said.
"I think we should just go to the studio." Brian replied.

When Sarah entered the barn she saw three out of four band members standing in the little kitchen.
"Hey," She said and shot them a little smile.
"Oh, hello darling!" Freddie beamed.
"Where is Rog?" She asked with a frown as she didn't see him there. Brian chuckled and pointed at one of the kitchen cabinets.
"What?" The girl asked with a confused look on her face.
"Roger," Brian said, "He is in there."
"What? In the cupboard?" Sarah was even more confused now. "You're joking, aren't you?"
"I wish he was." John chuckled.
"Your boyfriend locked himself in a cupboard." Freddie said and crossed his arms in front of his chest.
"Can't you get him out then?" She asked.
"No, he doesn't want to come out." John answered.

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