Chapter 10

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A/N: this chapter turned out completely different than I originally planned. Hope you like it! PS there are some bonus pictures at the end :)
WARNING: violence, angst
WORDS: 4.3k +

3k +

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The couple had fallen asleep around five in the morning, both of them were fast asleep, worn out from their physical activities and all of the emotions that had been rushing through their bodies for the last couple of hours.

Sarah was still sound asleep when Roger had gotten up to make some coffee and have some toast, he was starving. Since Sarah hadn't slept much lately he decided to let her rest, even though it was hard for him to resist not to wake her up. He just wanted to see her sparkling blue eyes again, her perfect smile, hear her beautiful laugh and her soothing, sweet voice.

Roger was sitting on his sofa, his legs spread wide and his arms leaning on his thighs. He was flipping through the newspaper and sipping on his coffee when the doorbell rang.
"Who the bloody hell is that?" He mumbled to himself as he stood up, walking over to the hallway to press the buzzer. Just a minute later the person rang the doorbell to his front door, not just once but a couple of times. Roger rolled his eyes in annoyance, praying to God that Sarah wouldn't wake up from all the noise.
"Morning, sunshine." A wide grinning Freddie said as the drummer opened the door.
"What are you doing here so early?" He asked.
"Early? It's noon, darling." The vocalist sassed as he made his way inside. "But judging by your outfit you had a short night?" He was referring to Roger's boxers.
"Why are you here?" Roger asked as he closed the door behind him.
"Just wanted to discuss some things with you." Freddie said as he took off his jacket and threw it at the coat rack. "But I first have to use your bathroom."
"Why does everyone always use my bathroom?" The blonde man asked annoyed as Freddie ignored him and made his way to the loo.

Roger just stood there, rolling his eyes once again and placing his hands on his hips. He quickly turned around as he heard footsteps shuffling behind him. It was Sarah who approached him, stark naked. She looked as if she had just woken up, her eyes still a bit sleepy and her hair messy.
"Was someone at the door?" She mumbled.
"Did it wake you up?" Roger asked concerned as his girlfriend wrapped her arms around his waist lazily.
"Who was it?" She asked as she looked up at him. Gosh, she was just perfect to him.
"Nobody, love, don't worry about it. Go back to sleep if you want." He cooed and put a strand of hair behind her ear.
"Hmm, will you come with me?" She asked and placed some kisses on his chest.
"I-I was just having some breakfast." He replied. He wanted to go back to bed with her more than anything but he couldn't with Freddie in the house.
"Please," she begged and looked at him with puppy eyes. "It will be fun." Without a warning Sarah slipped her hand into his boxers, earning a loud gasp mixed with a moan from Roger.
"Bloody hell, love." He mumbled and bit his lip. She just grinned back in response as she kept her hand there.

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