"My goodness, how rude of me." She quickly gestured to the coffee pot in the corner. "Would you care for some coffee, Mr...?" She trailed off, not knowing how to address him.

"Jones. Quinn Jones, but since we will be getting very much acquainted, you may call me Quinn. As for niceties, I find that one often forgets their manners when so rudely interrupted. The fault is all mine, Miss Ellis." There was that small semblance of a smirk again, indicating he was not at all inclined to take blame for her lack of tact, despite his debonair apology. She was beginning to get agitated with his smooth confidence. She flushed, annoyed that he was eliciting such an intense surge of anger within her simply by sitting there. "I think I'll take you up on that offer." He continued, eyes never leaving her ruddy face.

"To what do I owe this pleasure, Mr. Jones?" Lynne was glad to have something to do with her limbs as she stood unsteadily and walked the few feet to the espresso machine.

"To the point, I see. How refreshing." Again, she could feel that smile burning into her back as she poured him a cup. "I find that preliminary banter can be, well quite frankly, dull and tiresome. Moreover, it never fails to be entirely irrelevant."

"Yes, well, I don't usually have visitors." Though she meant this to be a nonchalant admonition, it was accurate. Her heart pounded with premonition. What did he want? Surely, it wasn't because a few men took a dive. She shook her head resolutely. "How do you take your coffee, Mr. Jones?"

His quick ears didn't fail to notice that she hadn't addressed him casually and retained an air of professionalism. He silently observed her as he crossed his legs and leaned against her desk. "Black, no sugar."

Lynne's hands trembled slightly as she crossed her way over to him, suddenly aware of her heels clacking on the tile. The sound from every step seemed amplified in time to the quickening rhythm of her pulse.

He smiled and took the cup, bringing it delicately to his lips. "Thank you, Lynne." He gestured to her chair. "You may sit." He said simply, again taking a sip of his beverage.

She froze, gawping. The nerve of this man! Somehow, in the span of five minutes, her office had somehow become his. He was now offering her to join him, as if his and her roles were reversed! She became immensely agitated, but slowly lowered herself into her chair.

He was getting the upper hand, something that no one had ever done since she had started her undergraduate degree. She was a hard, cold woman, and made sure everyone knew it. Now, she was badly unnerved, and she realized that this was not just a confident, well-spoken man, but that he was also dangerous, to her, especially, in her moment of weakness.

"Now, look Mr-" she faltered, forgetting his name. She would have found him entirely too sexy to be taken seriously, but the frigid stare he gave her indicated a resolute sincerity. Regardless of her indifferent composure, his icy eyes chilled her to her core, and she shivered.

"Jones. I assume you are wondering, with good reason, why I have been so inclined to visit you today." He brushed a fleck of dust from his otherwise impeccable suit. "As I am sure you are aware, there have been a series of incidents on this rig that require a bit more...discovery." He finished, blue eyes burning into hers.

"I am fully aware of these unfortunate accidents, and I assure you, Mr. Jones, that full inquiries have been launched." She stated firmly.

"I am sure they have." His eyes sparkled, unblinking, in a game of wits as the two stared each other down. "You seem to be a very capable leader, Lynne."

"Yes, I am!" She was nearly shouting now, panicked by the jab at her competency. The very slight sarcasm wasn't lost on her, even so, she knew in a matter of seconds she wouldn't come out the victor of this interchange. "We have cooperated with the coast guard and precinct, and my security staff has been increased tenfold!"

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