little talks

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"Why did u take so long to come home?" Cheryl said as she raced over to Toni and kissed her passionately. "i don't know i'm so stupid" she said as she started to take off her jacket. "I've been waiting" Cheryl said as she lead Toni into their bedroom. She closed the door and pushed her down onto the bed. She climbed on top of her straddling her waist and started to kiss her neck and collar bone. Toni sat up and span Cheryl round so that she was on the bottom now. "I want you" she whispered which made Toni's heart skip a beat. She smirked at her and kissed her again as she trailed her hands along her stomach gently. Cheryl was about 4 months now so she had a cute little bump. Toni paused for a moment and then gently kissed her stomach. Cheryl smiled and pulled her back up. "i am so in love with you" she whispered and she kissed Toni again. Toni lay beside her and gently tucked a piece of hair behind Cheryl's ear. "i love you so much" she whispered and kissed her again. They both just stared at each other. A tear fell from Toni's eye. "awww babe. What's wrong?" Cheryl said softly as she wiped the tear away. "i don't even know u just make me so happy that i cry" she replied and they both laughed. "When did we get so soppy?" Cheryl said playfully hitting Toni on the arm. They both laughed and hugged each other.

"I need to go get Leo" Toni said looking at the time on her phone. "okay. Are y going the store?" Cheryl asked sitting up. "i wasn't going to but for you i will" she replied with a wink. "thank you. Can i have ch-" Cheryl started. "Cheetos and strawberry ice cream i already know" she said as she tied the shoelace of her black doc martin boot. Cheryl just smiled at her cuteness. It was always the little things that Cheryl loved the most. Like when Toni would make her a coffee before she woke up in the morning, or that she would kiss her forhead when she thought she was sleeping. "i won't be long" she said as she quickly kissed Cheryl and then walked out of the bedroom.


"Mommy!!" Leo screamed as he ran over and gab Cheryl a huge hug. "Hey sweetie" she said as she tightly hugged him back. "Hi baby" he said as he kissed Cheryl's stomach. He had done that every day since he found out that Cheryl was pregnant. "How was school today?" she asked as she ruffled his hair. "Awesome" he said happily. He was such a happy kid and he never had a bad word to say about anything. "Tell me three awesome things you did...go!" Cheryl said as she held up three fingers, counting down every time he said something. "I made a new friend called Danny, I got 10/10 on my spelling test and...and I helped Mrs Dix hand out paper so she gave me this sticker, look" he said with a huge smile on his face as he pointed to the big red well done sticker on his tshirt. "Wow that does sound like an awesome day!" she replied as she gave him a hug. "Mom can i play with my lego's in my room?" he said. "of course, but you have to come and read to baby at bedtime?" she replied holding out her hand. "deal" he said shaking it and then running up the stairs to his bedroom.

"How's my girls?" Toni said laying on the couch so that he head was just next to Cheryl's stomach. "oh so baby is a girl today?" she asked as she ran her finger through Toni's brown hair. "Yeah i'm getting major girl vibes at the minute" she replied with a very serious look on her face. "But if your a boy that's okay too, obviously" Toni said talking to Cheryl's stomach. "Your mom and I can't wait to meet you" she started. "And Leo. He's so excited to meet you. He's already decided that your gonna play lego's with him so if you hate it, just pretend for his sake. Our family can be crazy sometimes but we are pretty cool so you'll be good. Some of your moms family are a little scary..." she whispered and Cheryl chuckled at her stupidness. "...but that's okay because they can be nice too. It's gonna be so fun. Your life is gonna be so fun and so happy and so filled with love. So hurry up and grow and get out of there because your missing all the fun" she said and then she kissed Cheryl's stomach and sat up. Cheryl just smiled at her. "i hope you weren't listening to that private conversation i was having there" she said sarcastically. Cheryl just laughed at her again. Toni could always make Cheryl laugh, no matter what mood she was in.


Toni sat on the armchair beside the bed as Cheryl slept peacefully. It had been a long night and she definitely deserved a break. She tried drifting off to sleep but ever tiny movement or sound woke her up. She looked over at her. Her tiny hands with her tiny fingers, and her tiny feet with her tiny toes. Everything about her was perfect. She was petite and had quite a lot of hair for a new born baby. Toni was already completely in love with her and she was only about two hours old. "Everything okay in here?" the midwife whispered as she came in the room. "yeah she's so peaceful" Toni said not taking her eyes off her. Cheryl woke up and slowly sat up. "Sorry to bother you" the midwife said. She has to do a series of tests to make sure Cheryl and the baby were okay.

Everything was fine so she left.

"Try and get some more sleep" Toni said as she sat down on the side of the hospital bed. She held Cheryl's hand softly and smiled at her. "Yeah i'm gonna" she replied. "I'm so proud of you" Toni whispered as she gently placed a kiss on her forhead. Cheryl closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep again pretty slowly. Toni took her out of the crib gently and sat back down with her, cradling her into her chest so that she was warm and comfortable. She was completely silent and completely still in her arms and Toni was in awe. "Hi. I'm your Mom. I've been waiting for a long time to see you and now your here and that's so cool. I don't know if you recognise my voice but i'm the one who would always tell you stupid stories or jokes or sing silly songs. Your other Mommy is over there but she's asleep so we have to be quiet. She just did the most amazing thing ever...she brought you into the world. So i think she deserves a rest don't you? I can't believe how tiny you are. I mean i knew you were small but your so small. And so perfect. Your perfect to me and you always will be. No matter what anyone ever tries to tell you, you are perfect. Sometimes things can be bad and people can be mean but that's okay, because as long as you just be yourself and treat people with kindness, then your doing it right. I will always love you with my whole entire heart, always remember that. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life loving you and growing with you. It's so good to meet you Nancie."

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