coffee and awkwardness

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*** 5 Year flash forward***

Cheryl walked into her regular coffee shop as she scrolled through all the emails she had on her phone. She commuted to the city everyday for work. She graduated college with her degree in law 3 years ago and went straight into work. She got her dream job and a huge law firm and she loved being a lawyer. Cheryl always loved fighting for what was right and she was very passionate about what she did. "Triple shot latte please" she said as she got to the counter barely looking up from her phone. She didn't wanna be rude but she had so many important emails to reply to and not enough time to do it. Her work was a huge part of her life. Even when she wasn't meant to be working, she was. She always had another client to reply to or a new case to read about. After she'd paid the barista she stepped to the side and waited for her drink to be made. She wasn't really paying attention to things going on around her. It was gonna be a busy day so she was trying to get on top of everything she needed to do.

As she replied to the fifth email of the day, she heard a voice that was familiar. She couldn't quite figured who it was so she looked over to where the cash register was. Her jaw dropped a little as she saw her standing there. Everything else seemed to freeze around her. It was weird because she didn't really know what she felt. The situation was one that she never thought she'd find herself in. It'd be five years since they'd seen each other or even spoken to each other and suddenly she was just there. "Thank you" she said in a bubbly voice as she paid the barista. Cheryl watched her slyly as she put her purse into her bag.

Toni looked up for a second, looked away, and looked straight back when she realised who was stood in front of her. They locked eyes for what felt like a really long time before Cheryl's name was called out to get her coffee. She walked over and grabbed it and then turned to walk out. Toni still stood looking at her not knowing whether to smile or speak or not do anything at all. Cheryl kind of stopped and just looked at her. Toni gave Cheryl a small smile. Cheryl's heart immediately quickened which she didn't expect. She smiled a tiny bit at her as she walked out of the coffee shop.

Those moment played on a loop in Tonis mind. She couldn't believe that after all of this time she'd just bumped into her. She was shocked and didn't really know how to feel about it. She watched her as she walked out. Cheryl walked along the street thinking about what had just happened and who'd shed just seen. She thought about how her heart got quicker like it used to. No one else had ever made Cheryl feel like that.


Cheryl stepped off the train the next morning and walked the usual way she would to get to work. As she crossed the street she saw the usual coffee shop that she would go to. She couldn't decide whether to go in. A part of her was telling her to go in because she wouldn't be there so it wouldn't matter anyway, but the other half of her wanted her to be in there. She opened the door and looked around a little. As she realised she wasn't there she sighed to herself in relief. Seeing her again would just make her confused so it was best to just pretend like it never happened. She ordered the same coffee that she usually would and she stepped to the side to wait like she did every day. Every time the bell on the door sounded she couldn't help but look to see who was going to walk in. After a few minutes she decided that everything was okay and she wasn't going to see her. As she walked to the counter and reached for her drink the bell on the door sounded and she walked in. "Shit" Cheryl whispered to herself. Toni ordered and looked at Cheryl as she stepped to the side. It was exactly the same as the day before. Both of them didn't really know what to do, or whether to do anything. 

Awkwardly, they both said "Hi" in a normal voice. They both awkwardly smiled at each other. "How are you?" Toni asked shyly and hesitantly not knowing if  small talk was really the best way to go. "Good. You?" Cheryl replied back. Toni replied with a nod and a smile. "i'm late for work i've gotta run" Cheryl said. She started to walk towards the door. "hey-" Toni said and Cheryl turned around. "we should catch up, for old times sake" she asked. Cheryl pauses for a moment. "erm...yeah okay" she replied and smiled as she walked away.

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