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"Girls can you pay attention please" their psychology teacher said angrily. The girls had been talking and not listening for the whole lesson. "yeah sorry miss" Toni said grinning as Cheryl tried to hide her laughter. Their teacher scowled at them and then turned round to right on the white board. "She's so boring" Cheryl whispered and Toni nodded agreeing with her. They had an half an hour left of their lesson and it was going so slowly. Cheryl tried to pay attention but Toni kept distracting her. "i'm trying to listen" she whispered as Toni poked her gently with her pen over and over. "but i'm bored" Toni whines like a child. Cheryl rolled her eyes and made notes with a range of bright coloured pens and highlighters. Toni had written four sentences in black ink carelessly and she figured that was enough for the day.

Toni who has now reached peak boredom decided it would be fun to put her hand on Cheryl's thigh. The redhead smiled to herself, looked down and then looked at Toni with a grin. "move your hand" she said still smiling. Toni gently traced her hand in an up and down motion as she turned away and looked towards the front of the classroom. Cheryl laughed quietly as she grabbed Toni's hand. She threw it away playfully but a little too hard and Toni smacked her hand loudly off the bottom of the table. She yelled and pulled a shocked face as they both laughed. "Right that's it, detention for you two after school" their teacher shouted and everyone turned to look at them. Toni's found it funny but Cheryl looked wide eyed. Everyone pulled a face and turned back to face the front. Toni looked at Cheryl and realised she wasn't laughing. "i've never had a detention before" she whispered. Toni laughed at her again. "your so cute" she said as Cheryl jokingly pulled a sad face. The bell sounded and everyone began to pack away and leave the classroom.  "don't worry you'll probably still get into college" Toni said jokingly. Cheryl's face turned worried straight away. "i'm joking i'm joking" Toni said laughing. Everyone has left the classroom so they were alone. Toni looked to see if anyone was around or walking past. She kissed her when she realised no one was around. Cheryl smirked at her. "See you later" she said winking and walking away.


Sweetpea and Fangs looked at each other confused as Toni sat smiling at her phone. "She must have a new bitch" Sweetpea said thinking she wasn't listening. Toni raised her eyebrows and put her phone down. "She's not my bitch" Toni said defensively. Fangs and Sweetpea looked at each other and smirked. They looked at her waiting for more information. She rolled her eyes. "what?" she replied as they stared at her. "Who is she?" Sweetpea asked cluelessly. "i know who it is" Fangs said as he spooned some of his pudding into his mouth. He winked at Toni who looked at him with a shocked expression. "No you don't" she said quickly. "Of course i do. It's obvious" He replied. "oh yeah then who?" she said not believe him. "the foxy little red head who make eyes at yo-" he said rather loudly. Toni reached over the table and covered his mouth with her hand. Sweetpea gasped and pulled a shocked face whilst Fangs smiled to himself please that he was right. "wait hold up what the fuck" Sweetpea said utterly shocked. "chill we just make out a lot and have sex sometimes" Toni said brushing it off as if it was no big deal. "She doesn't want anyone to know though so keep your voice down" she said putting her finger over her lip to shush them. "how did it even start?" Fangs asked.

Toni briefly explained the situation. She got a text of Cheryl to meet her in the locker rooms so she quickly excused herself and made her way there. She walked in and saw her standing against the lockers. "Hey" she said softly with a smile. Toni went over and started kissing her softly running her hands through her long hair. "Let's skip the rest of the day" Cheryl said in between kissing her. Toni pulled away and looked at her with a shocked expression. "I'm serious. I can call later and say i have some sort of family emergency and you can say that your sick or something" she said smiling hoping that Toni would agree. "I'd love that" she whispered. Cheryl grabbed her bag and they both walked out of school together hoping no teachers would see them and ask where they were going. They ran to Cheryl's car and quickly got in. "Where to?" the redhead said as she started the engine. "With you...Anywhere"

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