the second first time

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Toni got home after she'd finished grocery shopping and put the bags down on the kitchen table. She didn't have the energy to unpack everything just yet so she sat down on the couch instead. She grabbed her phone and called Cheryl. "Hey" she said softly as she answered the phone. "Hi" Cheryl replied and her voice instantly made Toni smile. "Are you working?" Toni asked really hoping that she wasn't. "I finish at 1 on fridays, why?" Cheryl asked. Toni was happy. "Oh just cos i'm sitting here alone in an empty house and-" she started before being interrupted. "I'll come straight over" Cheryl said quickly to which Toni replied with a giggle. "Can't wait" she whispered down the phone before hanging up.

Cheryl walked into the living room and sat beside Toni on the couch. "What took you so long?" Toni asked moving closer to her. "I was on a call i'm sorry" she replied. Toni wrapped her arms around Cheryl's neck and pulled her in closer. She slowly kissed her neck and jawline. "I've missed you" Cheryl whispered as Toni smiled at her. Cheryl leaned in and kissed her passionately as she traced her hands down her body. Toni took charge and moved on top of Cheryl. "Ouch" Cheryl said loudly and Toni pulled away. "What's wrong are you okay?" Toni said worriedly. Cheryl smiled at her. She was cute when she was worried. Cheryl reached behind her back and pulled out a dinosaur toy. "Oh" Toni said and they both laughed.

Toni kissed her again and started unbuttoning her shirt. Cheryl pulled away and gently pushed Toni away. "We are taking this slow remember" Cheryl said and Toni looked disappointed. "yeah i know i'm sorry" she replied sitting up. "It's okay i just don't want us to rush this time" the redhead replied. "Me's just...your so sexy and i just want u" Toni whispered back. Cheryl bit her bottom lip and looked down at her hands. "and i want you but waiting will make it so much better" Cheryl replied. Toni smiled at her and kissed her again.

About an hour has passed and it was almost time to go and pick Leo up from school. "I'll come" Cheryl said as Toni stood up. "yeah i'd like that" she replied smiling at her. They both left the house and drove to Leo's school to pick him up. Toni pulled up and parked the car. They both got out and walked up to the school. They stood and waited for the class to come out. "I still can't believe your a mom" Cheryl said shaking her head. "Yeah to be honest me too" Toni replied as she laughed. "The thought of kids always really freaked you out. You said that you would have "one, maybe, if it was good and cute'" Cheryl replied and they both laughed. Toni looked at her. "You remembered that" she said smiling. Cheryl blushed a little. "Yeah of course i did" she replied. They both just looked at each other. The sound of the classroom door opening broke the silence between them.

Leo came running out. He was so cute and always so energetic. "Hey little man" Toni said crouching down as giving him a hug. "Hi mommy" he said in a really cute voice. He looked up at Cheryl. "Hi mommy's friend" he said which made Cheryl smile. "Hey Leo" she replied and he smiled at her. He held up a piece of paper with drawings on it. "i drew a picture for the picture board" he said handing it to his mom. "Wow your getting good at this" she said looking at his picture which was actually really good. "Picture board?" Cheryl asked looking at Toni as she stood back up. "Yeah we have a special picture board at home so whenever Leo or I draw a 'cool' picture it has to be stuck on the picture board" she said. "That's cute" Cheryl replied. "Yeah. Leo has more pictures on there than i do though. He says mine would be better if there was more dinosaurs" she said and they both laughed. Toni grabbed the little boys hand as they walked back to the car. He chatted away about what he'd been doing and what games he'd been playing with his friends.

As Toni drove home, Cheryl talked to Leo. He was quite a confident kid and he was smart so he was easy to have a conversation with. He was telling her about all of his favourite things. Dinosaurs, superhero's, his favourite movie and the fact that his favourite colour was green. Toni smiled as she heard them talking to each other. She'd had only every introduced Leo to a few people. She was very protective over him. When she heard how good Cheryl was with him, she felt her heart warming. When the conversation stopped Cheryl turned around so that she was facing the front again. "Mom?" Leo asked loudly. "Yes honey" she replied looking in her mirror to see him. "Can she stay for dinner?" he said pointing at Cheryl. Cheryl laughed at him. "She has a name?" Toni replied also giggling at him. "oh...erm..." he said and Toni realised he'd obviously forgotten. "Cheryl, would you like to stay for dinner?" she asked smiling at her. She paused and looked over her shoulder to look at Leo. He looked at her with hopeful eyes. "Of course i will" she replied and he smiled at her when she did.

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