GHOSTIN - fillie

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Just for some quick context for you guys, this is in the point of view of Millie.

Noah has recently passed away (I'm sorry it's already so sad), and Millie is heartbroken because obviously they were best friends.

She isn't dating Finn, but she is in love with him, and he is with her, they always have been.

It's emotional I'm sorry.


It was hard.

Feeling the tracks of my tears being constantly burnt by the new, hot drops that poured themselves mercilessly against the cold glass of my skin

It was hard.

To hear the storm raging inside of me, the lightning was the pain rushing through my nerves and the thunder was my heart breaking down, piece by piece.

The warmth of the sheets was left behind me as I paced to the window. The cold glass mirrored me, in a foggy stance - heating from my shaky breaths.

I liked it.

The fogged up glass.

The reminder that you could see ahead, but not clearly nor make out a path.

I know you hear me when I cry

My eyes fell shut as the sheets rustled behind me. My lids ached dully, though the feeling was welcome by now.

My lashes separated, a tear was caught on the end of one, obstructing my vision, but I refused to wipe it away.

It didn't need help, it could move on alone - do it itself.

Unlike me.

The moon cracked through the clouds, the image burning my eyes, though I couldn't tear them away.

If you were anybody else, probably wouldn't last a day

The sudden warmth behind my right shoulder soon spread around my waist, protecting me in from the cold.

And perhaps the world too.

The second hot breaths pressed against the window, forming tears from the glass itself.

The image of the moon flipped in the drops, the stars surrounding it like a blanket of endearment.

The soft twinkle pressed lightly with the moon, coming as a pair until they were torn apart.

You been so understanding, you been so good

The dark curls falling beside me, pressed themselves into my skin.

The silence between the two of us settled, and reduced to just our breaths.

It was comforting. It always was.

We didn't have to talk, we knew that. It was the same thing, every night.

He understood. They both did, but one was gone.

But I had the other. So maybe it was just ok.

I know that it breaks your heart when I cry again, over him

I didn't need to see him to know he was worried.

I didn't need to look into his eyes, it would only hurt more.

His breaths were enough for me to sense the anguish.

His arms holding me limply, yet strong, were enough to know he was there. He was there and he understood.

But he was there and he was pained, he was worried.

For me.

We'll get through this, we'll get past this

The words didn't need to be spoken out loud, we knew it was true.

We would get through it together, no matter what.

Like the moon and the stars, we'd come together, even if the clouds stopped one of us.

Even if we were two tears, running alongside each other, we'd eventually come together at the bottom, in the puddle of memories.

We knew we could do it, and we could do it together.

That didn't mean I would be able to.

Though I wish he were here instead

I missed him.

He was the sun that completed our cycle, but now he had burnt out and I can't shine without him.

He was gone, I was alone.

I wasn't. But I was.

He was special, we all knew that. But it was always the two of us, and just one isn't right.

He just comes to visit me, When I'm dreaming every now and then

He's still there, with me.

Lacing my thoughts and my words as if he owned them.

He spoke to me softly, telling me to forget.

Trying to control my mind, and feelings, but failing spectacularly.

How could I forgot a part of my soul? My best friend?

And I'm hating myself 'cause you don't want to
Admit that it hurts you, baby

The tears slipping out of the corners of my eyes were brushed away by a hand, not my own.

His reflection in the glass pained me.

The bags under his eyes from his tiredness, and the pain within them that he was too weak to mask.

I wish I could stop. I wish I wasn't the one that was hurting him. It was my fault.

His pained eyes stared at me through the glass, like he was searching me for words to say, but was afraid to say them.

We'll get past this

I gripped the hand wrapped around my waist, maybe as a way to say something, maybe as a way to comfort myself.

The squeeze back reassured me, that it was ok.

And then the moon aligned with the stars.

The tears on the window fell to bottom, together at last.

"I love you"

I'm a girl with,

"I know"

A whole lot of baggage

"I love you too"

810 words

I like this, but I don't. I don't know it's weird.

Sorry again for not updating in a while.

I'm gonna try to update as much as possible before school opens again, cause after that i might not update for a whileeeee.

Love you guys,

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jan 09, 2021 ⏰

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