SICK - mileven

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All my AN's (Authors notes) will be in bold lol it makes it easier...
let's start with some flufffffff ;)

Eleven's PoV:
The curtain painted a yellow wash across the light green walls, the sun filtered through the split in the fabric making the girl's eyes crack open, just enough to be blinded by the rays. Groaning and pulling the covers over her head, Eleven slowly drifted back into her slumber nearly asleep again before hearing Hopper call out that he had been called into the station and that he would be back later that evening. Being sick was a pain she concluded, she had gone through at least 4 boxes of tissues in the last 12 hours, barely got any sleep and felt as though her eyelids were about to drop off is she kept them open any longer. And so the poor girl, fell into a dreamless state until something else disturbed her peace.

Mike's PoV
I woke up this morning with a call from Hopper. The least pleasant way to wake up, no offence to the man, but he is the love of my life's father, and the Chief of Police, a combination that really nerves me. So it's no doubt that I was at least a little worried that he called to talk to me personally.
At 6am.
And that's how I ended up buying Eggo's and flowers for my sick girlfriend and cycling to Hopper's cabin at 7am.

I rode up to the cabin in the middle of the woods catching Hopper just before he left.
"Ah Mike it's good to see you"

Why is he in a good mood, and since when is it good to see me?

"El's in her room, she's probably still asleep, you can go right in and see her"

No this is strange. This is weird? Is he going to kill me? Why is he smiling? Omg is that a cat? I think that's a cat? Oh wait no it's a squirrel? Oh shit he's still talking to me?

"You can stay as long as you want Mike, I called your mother she said you're fine to stay as late as you'd like"

Woah, no curfew? This is improvement. No, this is too weird, I still think he's going to kill me. Where are the threats? Why is he being kind? Omg it's the cat again. No squirrel, oh he's leaving.

"Bye Hopper," I called after the police vehicle.
"No funny business Wheeler"

ahhhhh there it was.

Mike crept into the old cabin, carefully avoiding the creaky floorboards. He quickly popped into the kitchen making an Eggo Extravaganza and a hot cocoa with a glass of OJ. He placed the flowers he got in a vase on the tray and continued to carry it into El's bedroom.

He didn't bother knocking as he entered the small room. As he peered his head round the door he took in the sight before him, the girl of his dreams sleeping peacefully in front of him and the floor littered with tissues. He treaded around the room, avoiding the tissues and set the tray down beside the bed before he turned to the sleeping girl before him. He admired her beauty, the small curl of brown hair resting against her forehead and her plump lips locked together. He stared for what seemed like an eternity before going to sit down next to her on the bed. He lent down and placed a small kiss on her forehead.
"wakey wakey"
kiss. kiss. kiss.
He showered her face with kisses before ghosting her lips with his, he noticed a small smile on her face. He smirked and then murmured 'I have Eggos" Before pressing his lips to hers.

Elevens PoV
I heard my door open and opened my eyes just a crack to see a head of curls come round the door. It took all my energy not to run out of bed and kiss my adorable boyfriend - lucky I didn't have a lot of it.

I feigned sleep as he placed something down beside my bed. Moments later I felt my mattress lower slightly under the weight of my love as he lent over and placed a kiss on my forehead. He continued to shower my face with kisses and I couldn't help but smile. He ghosted my lips with his and I nearly giggled. He quietly whispered against my lips something about Eggo's before finally kissing me and I could feel the smirk on his lips.

General PoV
Mike slowly kissed El as she finally woke up.
"I heard Eggos" she said immediately when they parted.
"Good morning to you too" he chuckled as he passed over the tray from her bedside.
"Aww Mike you didn't have to do all this for me' she said staring at the boy in front of her in awe.
"It's the least I could do when I found out you were ill" he said as he pressed another kiss to her forehead. "Now come on eat up."

She soon ate the Eggos and drank the hot cocoa, leaving behind only a few sips of OJ.  Mike began to smile to himself when re-entered the room and he saw the whipped cream on the side of her lip.
"What?" she asked as she caught his smile, he soon started chuckling, "What?"
He went into wipe away the cream with him thumb but quickly changed him mind and kissed the side of her mouth, removing the cream.
"There, much better," she blushed crimson as he brushed a curl of hair out of her face.

He reached over into his backpack and she noticed him pull out two movies.
"Sixteen Candles or Footloose"
"Hmmmm," she gazed carefully over the two discs, being careful of her choice.
"Compromise?" She questioned, that was one of the words Mike taught her.
"Sure," he smiled at her, proud knowing that he taught her that.
"One now, the other later?" she questioned, hoping he'd agree.
He chuckled and picked her up bridal style and carried her onto the couch. In front of her was a selection of candy, popcorn and another plate of Eggo's.
She gasped before kissing him on the cheek, he smiled as the opening credits rolled. He grabbed a blanket and covered them before pulling her onto his lap. He began peppering her with kisses more and more as she swatted him away trying to concentrate on the TV.

Hours passed and they were about halfway through their third film of the day - turns out the first two didn't last too long - the plates of food in front of the two were devoured and now they were slowly dozing in front of the TV.

They were now lying down on the couch, facing one another. Her small hands pressing against his chest softly, his arm wrapped around her small torso, the other carefully stroking the back of her head.

"You're probably going to get sick you know" she muttered.
"Its worth it," he watched her slowly doze off.
He heard her quietly mutter an 'I love you' before she finally fell asleep.
"I love you two El," he replied to the sleeping beauty in front of him.
"God you're beautiful you know El," he whispered as he pulled her even closer to him, if that was possible,
"I love you, I will forever. I couldn't bare to lose you ever again. I won't. I won't let myself lose you again. I'll marry you one day Eleven, and we'll have kids and they'll be just as beautiful as you are and we'll be happy together. Forever." he slowly drifted into a slumber of his own, holding El close to him, vowing never to let go.

time skip to later that evening
And that's how Hopper found them late that evening when he got back home. He chuckled to himself seeing the two of them together on the couch. Mike held her so close, his arms wrapped around her small frame, pulling her into him, protecting her.
"Damn you Wheeler," he shook his head, "I said no funny business" he chuckled to himself as he switched off the TV, and turned out the lights.

1,355 words

Soooooooo... what'd you guys think???
Hope you liked it
Lots of Love,

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