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^^^ my life motivation from now on
I know lol second post today but idgaf
Lol this one makes me happy, enjoy ;)

Mornings Forever with You

Eleven's PoV:
I woke up to hot breath along my neck and I smiled. I looked down at the tight grip around my bare waist and I caught the engraved, titanium band around his ring finger. My smile grew into a large grin as I tried to wiggle out of his grip. Finally I was out of his arms and he curled into a small ball, I contained my giggles as I left to the toilet...

As I walked back through the corridor, I admired the photos of us along the walls, first us, then the party and some of our family. As I re-entered the room, I slowly pushed the door open, careful not to wake the man from his slumber. It was only then I admired his face.

The chocolate coloured freckles ran down his face, in spatters across his back and fading down his neck to the top of his bare shoulders. I looked further down his body, tracing the faint outline of abs with my eyes.

Reluctantly, I brought my eyes back up to his face. The messy dark curls of his hair were strewn all over, and one fell down across his face, making his nose scrunch up in the cutest way possible. I laughed softly as his quiet snores blew away the irritating curl.

His pale eyelids, closed, protecting his cocoa eyes from the world. The depth of his eyes hiding a thousand stories, closed to making anymore for now. His eyelashes fluttered momentarily before falling still once again.

I slid back into bed as my eyes fell to his lips. The pink stood out against his pale complexion. They were intoxicating to look at,

I sighed, content.  I'll be waking up with you next to me for the rest of forever and I couldn't wait.

WHAM! (AN: Lol wtf? What sound would this even make?)

A large hand collided quickly with my face. I turned to face the sleeping man next to me, he was now facing me, the hand in question had somehow found its way to my waist.

Oh hell no.

364 words

Lol this was short...

I didn't even edit this whoops

I laughed to much at this ending (:

Lol my writing is terrible sorry :/

Enjoyyyyyy loves,

Mileven & Fillie One ShotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz