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  For some reason, the book doesn't come back and boy  am I relieved, I guess the prankster ran out of books or something.

  The bell rings, and we head to the cafeteria for lunch, I take my food and seat with my best buds, eager to tell them about the prank someone is playing on me. Unfortunately, Jackson invited an extra friend Lola, so I can't talk to them about it.

  Jackon introduces me to her, "you were at Zee's party?" I ask, she nods. "The party was ok, but on Sunday, Zee and I went to the cinema and watched Avengers Endgame, it was totally awesome," Lola says, I'm starting to see what a waste it would have been if I won, I had watched the movie hundreds of times.

  "What about the cash you won?" I ask, " they gave it to our parents," Lola replied. Jamie walks to our table actually it looks as if he's dance walking or something.

  " That Joe gave me a wedgie so hard, my boxers are ripped," he says and takes a seat probably not noticing we have a female in our presence."Who's the girl?" he asks embarrassed. Jackson introduces her to him, why is he doing this, It's freaking me out.

 "I swear one day I'm gonna beat that Joe so hard he'll become a crip," Jamie says, guess I'm not the only one who hates Joe, even the teachers. Our principal, Mr.Philips has on many occasions tried to expel the creep but his parents pleaded on his behalf.

 SPLAT!, I wheeled around to see a guy covered with tons of hard-boiled egg, he reeked, " Food fight" Someone called out, Everyone was suddenly caught in the craze, except me until someone threw a carton of milkshake at me, I started throwing as many things as  I can.

  We don't get much food fights at Senistery Middle school, only when the vice principal and other teachers are out, like today for instance. I kept on throwing, having fun and enjoying every moment until a big book soars through the air and crashes on top of my head.

  Dazed, I pick the book up the book and notice that  its the spellbook, this time I don,t bother throwing it away because the front cover begins to change and shows me an image of me lying down on the floor bleeding profusely, spears stuck everywhere in my body, and behind me a guy dressed in a clown costume is laughing like crazy holding Jackson's head. The book Just showed me my future and it doesn't look good.

 "Ha that's impossible man," Dave says when I tell them about the book, Jackson searches around his lab for something, "Maybe you were hallucinating"He suggests, I guess he's not happy about the part where the clown guy holds his head. "I was not, "I retorted. "Did you even bother reading the book?" Jamie asks. I nod, "Only once," I say.

 "Let's read it," Dave said. I opened the book and flipped the pages, "it's a joke book!" Jamie exclaimed. "Yeah, weren't you listening?" I ask. "uh, I think I stopped listening at that part" Jamie says.

  "Hey tell me a joke," Dave says, "Okay"I say and then read one from the book. "what happens when elephants step on peanuts?, they made peanut butter" I say confused.

 Dave laughs at the joke," Its not funny" I say to Dave but he keeps on laughing, harder and doesn't seem to stop. Dave hair starts to turn white, his skin clenches to his bones and he grows thinner. His eyeballs, nose and ears start to shrink. Blood trickles down from where his nose used to be, he laughs one more time before  he falls to the ground dead.

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