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  I take a detour through the park because at this time of the week the park is mostly peaceful, and it's a great place to read comic books, today I was wrong. I just started reading a few pages of the comic when I heard a low growl.

  I quickly stuff the comic in my backpack and wheel around to see Joe. I quickly hide and notice he is walking his dog Bullbite, there is only a slight difference between Joe and his trusty sidekick in delivering pain, they are both annoying, they are both black and they are both stupid. The slight difference I was talking about is that Joe is a human Bullbite is a dog.

  Bullbite sniffs the air and barks," what is it boy found another squirrel?" I hear Joe say, Bullbite barks and heads in my direction, I don,t wait for pain squad to arrive, I take off as soon as I smell his stupid dog.

  Bullbite barks like crazy and then Joe lets go of his leash. "Kill him, boy," Joe says. Bullbite is catching up fast, then the words of my maths teacher float into my head, "imagine things that are impossible and then it becomes possible."

  So that's what I do, I start imagining that I'm the flash being chased by reverse flash in the body of a killer dog. To my surprise, it works. I'm actually running faster.

  Up ahead was a short fence and at the speed, I'm going I'm not sure I could make the jump. Then I start imagining that I'm spiderman, so I easily clear the fence. I look back and see that I'm way ahead of Bullbite. Unfortunately, I wasn't looking ahead so I fell into a ditch.

 Bullbite barks at me from above and then Joe appears, "good work boy, now serve the waste." he says. Bullbite replies by dropping poop on my face, gross.

  To make things worse, Joe grabs a bucket filled with stuff I don't know and pours it on my body, it smells worse than him. Tears welled up in my eye, "wanna cry thin baby?" Joe teases, "I'm not gonna cry."I reply back. Joe looks at his watch, "unfortunately I gotta go, see you later poop face,"he says and then walks away.

  I still remain in the ditch and start wishing that Joe would go away, suddenly my backpack starts glowing. I open it and pull out the glowing spellbook. The pages flip open and stop at a page in which a paragraph is circled in red, but I can't read it, It is written in another Latin or something.

  The words start to change into English, I scream and dump the book, running away. I guess I just prevented myself from unspeakable horror, I was wrong, terribly wrong.

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