Chapter 5: quaker girl of the year

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The school councilor of my school, sent emails to all the juniors and sophomores that want to apply for something called Quaker shindig. Quaker shindig is a gathering for young Quakers or not necessarily Quakers just people that have some connection with Quakers. It's usually held in Scotland but this year it's going to be in northern England.

I applied to it, although my parents and I thought that I had no chance of getting chosen because the girls that applied to it kind of have better chances. We all did interviews, and when the results of the interviews came out, everyone was shocked that they chose me! Even I myself couldn't believe it. I was more than happy that I'm going to England. the Quakers are paying everything for me, so my parents don't have to worry about the money. This will be the first time I'm going to travel on my own without anyone.

Everyone was happy for me that I'm going there for e few weeks, except Dina! Dina is one year older than me, she also applied to the Quaker shindig and she was so confident that they will choose her but they didn't. She was so mad when she wasn't accepted. personally I think that it was right that they didn't chose her because she's the leader of the model United Nations club at my school (MUN), and she travels twice with them. Once to the Netherlands, and once to the UAE. I applied to be in the MUN club last year but I didn't get accepted to the international part of it, only to the local MUN conferences. This year I will apply again, and hopefully they will accept me internationally.

Hope. That’s a really powerful word. The only thing that is stronger than fear. as the people in the Capitol said in the hunger games movie. Hope wasn't on my side this time. The MUN results came out and they didn’t send me anything. It’s weird! Even if I wasn't accepted I should get notified that I'm not accepted.

A week later I got an email from the MUN saying that I'm on the waiting list. This means that I have 50% chances of going internationally. 
Many days have passed and the first group of MUN went to Greece. After the Greece group came back the Netherlands MUN group went on. I won't lie, I was jealous of them. Why am I on the waiting list! I participated twice in the local MUN so I have more experience than some people who were chosen. 
The psychology teacher is also the teacher responsible for the MUN club. All my marks at psychology are full marks. Today after class, I asked him "what happens to the people on the waiting list?" he answered me in shock: "wait, what are you on the waiting list? Seriously?"

"Yes I'm on the waiting list."

"But I'm pretty sure you did really well on the interview, and I told Dina to mark you as international."

"That explains a lot. It’s all in Dina's hands."

"Why? what's wrong with Dina?"

"She just hates me that's why she put me on the waiting list although I should have been chosen internationally."

"I’ll talk to them today. Maybe I’ll try to fit you in with an international group."


It all makes since now. When I told a friend of mine, Omar who was accepted to the international MUN, about what the MUN club emailed me. He told me that I'm accepted internationally but Dina doesn't want me to be accepted because she is jealous of me. She is jealous because she also applied to the Quaker shindig in England but they didn't choose her.

The next morning, I get an email from the MUN club telling me that I'm accepted internationally and I'm going to the MUN conferences in Turkey. 
How cool is that. 
I text Evan to tell him about the great news.
"Hello luv, I'm traveling this month."
He doesn't reply to me automatically like I'm used. so I go make my self some food, and after a few hours he replies to me.
"That's so cool babe, where are you going to travel?"

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