Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I looked up from my spot on the floor. There’s another hole in the ceiling. I gazed around me. The warehouse was starting to fall apart, the machinery rusting and cracking, termites were eating through the wood, and the ceiling had holes. We patched a few holes but they just keep popping up. I don’t know what we will do when it finally falls apart. We don’t have anywhere to go.

“Killian!” I called.

“What.” Killian dropped down from his spot in the rafters. He stood over me his arms crossed over his broad chest, his blood red hair was falling in his eyes.

I pointed up. “There’s another hole.” He sighed and rubbed his temples.

“We can’t stay here Fawne. There’s nothing here for us.”

I turned to him. “We can’t just leave, Killian. Not with little kids. It was different before when it was just the three of us.”

“Don’t you think I know that? We need to leave Fawne! If we didn’t need to I wouldn’t have said anything. I didn’t want you to panic but I saw scouts this morning. There looking for us, for people who refuse to follow Gallian.”

I sighed and looked away from him. “I don’t want to leave.”

“I think we need to talk to the others. I’ll get the twins and Ayanna if you get Emerson.”

“Is he…”

“Still pretending he’s mute? Yah.” I groaned and stood up slowly.

Emerson and the twins, Paris and Britain just joined us about a month ago. We found them cold and hungry hiding in a small cave just by the edge of a ravine. When Gallian and his followers took over the government about a two years ago, their parents had sent them out with almost nothing. They didn’t want them to have to live under a dictator as cruel as Gallian. They left a 13 year old boy to look after his 3 year old brother and sister. Now Emerson was 15 and the twins were 5.The poor kid didn’t know what to do or where to go and as a result he stopped talking. He only talks when it’s absolutely necessary.

His favorite place is on the roof of the warehouse. I’m not really sure why he likes it there. It’s nothing special just a flat tin roof that was cold when it’s cold out and unbearably hot when it’s hot out. I grabbed onto the ladder and easily pulled myself up. I fit through the door to the roof and couldn’t help but wonder if Killian had trouble fitting through it. Maybe that’s why he always had me get Emerson.

Emerson was laying, his arms crossed under his head and his eyes trained on the sky. I walked over and sat down next to him, pulling my legs up to my chest and setting my chin on my knees. We sat in silence for a few moments both of us lost in thought.

“We’re leaving.” Emerson said softly. It wasn’t a question.

“We have to. It’s to close to the city and the warehouse is… well falling apart.” He just nodded his head. “But we need to break the news to the others. I need you to come down so we can discuss what we should do next.” He nodded again. We sat in silence for a little while then we both climbed down the ladder and walked towards the ‘bedroom’.

Usually when we needed to talk or just wanted to spend time with each other we stayed in the main part of the warehouse. We had brought in leaves and made piles, then covered them with tarps. They work well as beds but what we all really wanted was a nice comfy mattress. I saw Killian sitting on one of our make-shift beds, the twins sitting in his lap. Britain was sucking his thumb, his other hand on his head playing with his hair. Paris was cuddling into Killian trying to lift his shirt so she could see his tattoo. It was a snake that wrapped around his torso and seemed to almost slither up his neck. Paris loved looking at it for some reason.

I sat down on the bed across from them. “Guys?” the twins both looked at me. Ayanna glared at me. For some reason she didn’t like me. “We’re moving.” The twins stared at me blankly and Ayanna just scoffed.

“Why should we leave? I don’t want to.”

“We don’t have a choice Aya. The warehouse is falling apart.” Killian said looking at the small girl.

“But I like it here! I don’t like traveling. Please big brother? Can we please stay?” She looked a Killian her bottom lip sticking out and her eyes wide.

“Aya. No more complaining! We’re leaving and that’s final.” She crossed her arms and glared at me.

Ayanna stood up scowling at me. “It’s all your fault!” Then she stomped away.

“Why aw we weaving?” Britain asked his thumb still in his mouth.

“We have to sweetie.” I said as he crawled into my lap. I stroked his hair lightly as he snuggled into my chest.

“Will mommy be dare?” My chest hurt as I looked into his hazel eyes.

“Maybe.” Everyone was silent after that. I looked out one of the windows and saw that the sun was setting. I turned to Killian.

“Go find Ayanna. Emerson and I will get the twin’s to bed.” He nodded and left. “Can you get Paris?” I questioned Emerson. He nodded and scooped her into his arms. He tickled her sides and I couldn’t help but smile as I heard her giggles. I picked up Britain and carried him over to his bed. Emerson laid Paris next to him and I tucked them both in.

“Can we have a stowy?” Paris asked not tired at all.

“I’ll tell you one.” I turned and looked at Emerson surprised. I watched in awe as he sat next to the twins and started to tell them a story. His whole face changed as he spoke softly. His voice was smooth and deeper than most people would expect. His eye’s sparkled as he talked about princesses in beautiful dresses and knights in shining armor. I laid my head down, watching and listening. I’ll just rest for a second…

Light flooded my vision. Whoa I fell asleep. I flipped over onto my back and sat up rubbing my eyes groggily.

“Morning sleeping beauty.” Killian teased.

“Stop it.” I said smacking his arm and laughing.

“We need to get ready to leave. Fawne.”

“I know.” I sighed. I could see Emerson already up and dressed. I got out of bed and headed towards the twins and Ayanna’s bed. I shook them awake and soon everyone was dressed and getting things together. We rolled up the tarps in case we would need them and collected all our clothes from the hand-made clothes line. We wrapped all the clothes up in our blankets and put the blankets in two canvas totes we had. Then Killian grabbed the last tote, which had food, water, and cooking utensils and slung it over his shoulder. Emerson and Killian each grabbed a tarp. Ayanna held the twins’ hands and we set off in search of a place we could call home.

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