Bucky's eyes grow wide. "Oh.. he's just a friend." He explains, turning off his phone that had ruined their moment and grabbed them each a towel from the bathroom.

T'Challa snatched it from the boys grasp and wiped his chest. "Yeah, a friend with a heart by his name."

Bucky rolled his eyes at the others jealousy and grabs his phone. "T'Challa, Steve is a friend of mine, and if you can't seem to recall, we're not together, you can't get angry just cause I've got a heart by a friends name."

"I- sorry..." he whispers. "I.. I don't know what came over me.."

"It's fine just... don't do it again."

"I'm won't, I'm sorry.. do you uh.. wanna continue?"

Bucky shook his head. "No.. I think I'm gonna go have a shower... you can watch a movie or something while I'm in.." He was mad. Very mad.

T'Challa gave a sad nod and watched the boy leave the room and go into the connected bathroom. He'd fucked up big time.


"I don't know what the hell was wrong with him." Bucky sighed, pacing back and forth over Steve's porch. Steve stayed leaning up against the doorframe and frowned at the teen, watching as he walked to and forth with his hand in his hair. He did not look happy. "He just got so jealous all of a sudden at seeing your name.. I don't get why! We aren't even in a relationship!"

Steve removed himself from his space in the doorway and made his way over to Bucky, stopping him in his tracks. He placed his hands on the boys shoulders and sighed. "Bucky, this happens all the time." He explained, fighting the smirk that wanted to line his lips at hearing his doing annoying the others boyfriend. "Our significant others— I mean, our friends who still have feelings for us get jealous a lot. I know I probably would if I were with someone and saw another guys or girls contact name I didn't know. So don't stress about it.. he did say he wouldn't do it again, right?"

Bucky nodded slowly.

"Well that means he won't do it again. And if he does, I guess you'll just have to talk to him about trust.."

At those words, an idea struck in Steve's mind. He made the boys boyfriend? Friend? Friend with benefits? Whatever he was, he made him jealous.. angry.. then he would continue on with what he was doing. That's what it may take. "Thanks for listening to my stupid little rant.." The boy mumbled, looking up at the taller with a smile. "It's nice to know that I have someone to listen to my problems and can actually like.. relate."

Steve chuckled, shaking his head. "Of course, I'm here whenever you need me. Also.. I'm really sorry about Sam yesterday and him laughing at you.."

A blush erupted over the boys cheeks. "O-oh... it's fine... I'm sorry for almost bloody falling to the floor and whacking into your chest.. Nat and Wanda just love embarrassing me whenever they can.."

"Doll, it's fine. Sam did shove me too.. I know what they were trying to do but I told Sam that you were in a relationship.."

Bucky's heart seemed to drop at the other man's words. "We're not in a relationship, Steve. Just friends."

An awkward silence grew between both boys as they got lost in the others eyes. Steve only now noticed the small shades of greens and greys hiding behind Bucky's icy blue eyes, almost as if God couldn't decide on the colour and decided to make the boy even more beautiful then he already was. He noticed how long his lashes were, how Bucky seemed to blush any time he was around Steve and made his multicoloured eyes pop. The curve of his lips, sunk in collarbones. He was... gorgeous.

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